
Monday, January 6, 2014

I'm Not Lost!

I swear I'm not. The New Year didn't get off to a grand start, but that's only because I got sick and totally shirked on my responsibilities. New blog entry? Forget that, go to sleep. Promote book that was on sale? Meh, I'll get to it when the medicine kicks in. I even set my alarm semi-early today so I would have enough time to blog before I got to work on cleaning my apartment and getting my laundry done.

Well, zero of three ain't bad, right?

I took Nyquil last night (super early so I wouldn't be groggy all day). Pros of Nyquil: knocks me out quick so I won't have to hear myself cough, sniffle, or die a little because I'm aching. Cons of Nyquil: the moment it stops working, all hell breaks loose. Mine stopped working at exactly 3:37 a.m. That was also the time when my cat decided to sing my the song of her people. For two hours. As loud as she freaking could. So when I finally got to sleep around six this morning, I knew the alarm for 8:30 would come and go. Which it did. And I'm eternally grateful for that.

But that does mean that I got absolutely nothing done this morning. Since I'm right in the middle of a spurt of energy, I thought I would write and see what else I could get done before I take my nighttime medicine (AlkaSeltzer this time. I'm taking no chances for tomorrow morning).

So, that explains the missed blog entry. Now what about the missed sale?

Yes, it still went on without me. That's how the world works, unfortunately. But I did forget to promote it or do anything for it, and I only remembered the sale on the third, so I was a little late to the party. That doesn't mean that I should sit back on my butt and let it pass by, though. Okay, so it did already pass by, but you get the idea. Or maybe not. What I'm trying to say is that there's going to be another sale, another chance for everyone to get All You Left Behind for a super cheap price. Since Amazon is being a pain the butt right now, I can't say for certain that it's going to be January 13-17, but that's what I'm aiming for. I promise update this thing when I know for certain.

And that should segue nicely into other promises. This is a new year, and instead of making completely ridiculous resolutions (I had one when I was a kid to become Mrs. Jonathan Brandis), I decided to make some that would be beneficial to me and that I could keep. So, one of my resolutions is to update this thing more regularly and to be a stickler with organization dealing with my writing and this blog. That means you might get annoyed by me, but better annoying than forgotten, right? What a great life motto.

There's a whole year for me to mess this up. But I'm keeping my fingers crossed. And that takes up the last of my energy.

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