
Monday, January 26, 2015

Paris Hemworth's Road to Wonderland

Oh, man, the plans I had for this weekend didn't quite pan out. But that's for next time. For now, I want to tell you about the super awesome Paris Hemworth's Road to Wonderland by Francesca Marlow.

Paris Hemsworth’s Road To Wonderland is the second novel in a new adult series, which tells the tale of a seventeen-year-old girl's tragedy. A tragedy that steers her down an unlikely path full of twists and turns.

Paris is a naive, feisty fashionista who floats, carefree, through her life in 1990’s Manchester, thanks to her three great loves: her father, her best friend, and her motorbike. Izzy Moffit is a shy, quiet, literature lover who has been surrounded by violence daily, seeking solace in movies and music. The two are an unlikely duo, but since the age of four, they have been inseparable, always promising to be there for each other no matter what. 

That is until one day Paris receives heart-shattering news which turns her life upside-down. Suddenly, their friendship is tested in ways it never has before, and just when things are starting to look up for them, adulthood steps in and kicks them both in unimaginable ways. Paris is forced into a life full of fear, guilt and doubt, which sees her evolve from the feisty, fun young girl she once was into something she never thought she’d be. Weak.

Having hit rock bottom, Paris is left with two options: climb the ladder back up or continue to swim in the sea of despair. The first option is easier said than done when you have no hope or faith left, when the loves of your life have all moved on, and you think you’re alone in the world. In the war against addiction, Paris knows it is only a matter of time before something has to give, but she is unable to predict at what cost.

This is the second story in the Road to Wonderland series, and the absolute loveliness that started with that first book flows perfectly into this one. Without spoiling too much, Paris's story is as harrowing as I thought it would be, even more so, really. While Izzy is off in the world, wondering why her best friend doesn't wish to speak to her anymore, Paris is trying to survive day after day with a terribly abusive drug dealer that has taken over her life and claimed it as his own. 

Paris's story is told with the bravery I expected of her. Francesca Marlow has done a terrific job at bringing Paris to life and maintaining that feisty spirit that Paris displayed in the first book. It's interesting and really fun to get the other side of the story. I did spend a lot of time going back and forth between this book and the first one, but I think that made it a lot better to understand Paris and Izzy. 

Basically, go buy this book. Now. Don't worry, I'll wait. Here's the links:

Also, click on the link below to try and win an e-copy of the first book in the series, Izzy Moffit's Road to Wonderland by Victoria L James. I did a review of that book as well, so check it out!

If giveaways aren't your thing (maybe?), then here are the links to buy Izzy Moffit:

And let me tell you, I've never encountered awesome authors like Victoria L James and Francesca Marlow. These two are so excited for people to read their books, and luckily they've put out stories that are intriguing, interesting, and amazing. 

Francesca is a self-confessed drifter, never quite fitting in anywhere until she discovered the love of reading two years ago. Books proved to be non-judgemental, loyal and thought provoking, so much so that she was inspired to create her own world. A world where she could channel her every day thoughts and emotions to deal with the daily grind which we call ‘life’.

Francesca’s biggest accomplishments to date are the two little ladies that share her heart, closely followed by the one thing she is very proud to say: “I wrote a bloody novel!” She’s a Yorkshire lass and a secret romantic at heart, with an eclectic taste in music and a great love for films - all of which continue to be a source of creativity as well as well deserved relaxation moments.

Go and connect with Francesca Marlow!

Okay, people, that's it for today. I'll see you later in the week with an update of the desk situation and the addition of my new Buffy complete series DVD set. Because my life wasn't complete without it. Happy reading!

Tuesday, January 20, 2015

Super Quick Life Update

Okay, I'm in the middle of cleaning a room and doing laundry and trying to charge as many electronics as I can without causing my house to burn down, but I thought I should update this thing since it's Tuesday and I didn't do it yesterday.

Long sentences are fun.

I'll probably have an update this weekend, but maybe not on Friday. We've had a crazy weekend. Our lovely little doggie had to get knee surgery yesterday, and he's coming home today (hence all the cleaning), so I'm going to be preoccupied with staring at him and willing him to get better fast.

How could I not want him to be better quick??
So there's that. Then my boyfriend and his parents are driving to Arizona this weekend in order to move them into their new house, so I'm taking the time to clean the entire house. Between that and playing nurse to that ABSOLUTE ADORABLENESS ABOVE, it'll be nuts.

BUT! Be sure to come back to the blog on Monday, because I get the chance to review Paris Hemworth's Road to Wonderland. Trust me, you don't want to miss this. It's amazing, you guys. Really.

Anyway, that's what's going on with me right now. I'm sure I'll be around on Tumblr and all that, but mostly I'm going to be staring at the dog and wondering why exactly I wanted a house because THIS IS TOO MUCH DAMN CLEANING.

Friday, January 16, 2015

A Countdown to Excitement!

So begins the countdown. In one week (GET EXCITED), I'm going to have a space (A WHOLE SPACE) for...my...desk!

I'm also going to have space for my seven or so boxes full of crap that have yet to be unpacked because there hasn't been any space for my seven or so boxes full of crap. Of course, I'm not going to unpack everything in one day (where is Martha Stewart when I need her?), but I'm going to have the option to unpack everything in one day. That's the whole point, really. I'm not going to be stuck in a room anymore with such little space that I'm banging into a dresser or a TV stand or slipping on a dog's toy every second of the day.

I also get a chance to go through the house and purge, which totally isn't one of my favorite things ever. No way. I haven't been dreaming about that since the moment I moved in here two months ago.

But I guess I'm getting away from the real point: A DESK. That means I'm going to be able to fall back into a schedule again. I won't have to write on a bed anymore, my back screaming for more pillows. I won't have to sit on a couch and wonder if I'm disturbing anyone with my loud typing (I do type loud, it's so ridiculous). I'm going to have a space for me, and it's the most selfish thing I could want right now, and I don't even care.

This also means that this blog is finally going to have a purpose again. No longer are you going to come here and wonder what nonsense I'll be spewing that day. Nope, because as soon as I set up my desk (in the cat's bedroom...oh, right, did I forget to mention that?), I'm going to get back to writing. I've been wanting to for a long time now, but I just haven't. I've said it before: I don't know how writers write in bed. It's awesome that they can, but I have to be at a desk. Also, as I've said before, I can't write when I have a thousand things on my mind. Most of those things have to do with this house and the huge mess that it's in right now, so here's hoping that things will get back to normal normal by mid to end February.

So, for now, I'm going to get back to cleaning the room and making the cat happy and getting things together for work and editing this story so I can really get going on it. Hopefully by the time all those things are done, my nose will have unstuffed and the headache will have flown away and my throat will magically be not sore anymore. Word of advice, kiddos: don't sleep with the heater on. Don't let anyone else turn the heater on while you're sleeping. If they do, do what I do: wake up in the middle of the night, turn it off, and hide the remote that controls the heater. It works every time. Trust me.

Friday, January 9, 2015

Look At Me Go!

It's Friday and that means I should be in bed, thinking about blogging and not doing it, right? Wrong! That was the old me, the 2014 Bree. Sure, I did have that moment (or ten) this morning where I thought that no one would want to read my ranting about nothing, but who am I kidding. I like ranting about nothing and it doesn't matter if no one is here to read it.

You can drop in an obligatory Rock gif there, if you'd like.

Anyway. Since I haven't been writing at all this week (explanation to come), I thought I would lay out what you all should expect this coming year. I will be writing, I promise, but my brain is too full of junk right now to really concentrate on anything. I figure once the month of January passes and we can unpack most of our stuff and I'm not consumed with the fire of a thousand suns because my books are piled up in all sorts of nooks and crannies, I'll be better equipped to write and process my thoughts. Here's keeping your fingers crossed on that one.

Besides that, I've decided to take on the PopSugar 2015 reading challenge (check it out here: http://www.popsugar.com/love/Reading-Challenge-2015-36071458). For the last three years, I've done the Goodreads challenge. I keep going up in how many books I want to read and last year, at my boyfriend's suggestion, I challenged myself to read 100 books. I accomplished my goal, but it was kind of stressful. I felt like I had to read some books because I knew they would help me get to my goal since they were short. It wasn't super fun sometimes. This challenge, though, is only 52 books and it sounds super awesome. There are so many reading challenges out there, but this one seemed up my alley and would also allow me to fit in some other books along the way (like I'm doing this week). So, follow me on Goodreads if you want to see my process, and maybe you could even join me! It should be fun, I promise. I don't talk much on there because people sometimes get snippy, but I'm on that website at least eight thousand times a day.

Oh, so why haven't I been writing? Besides the obvious that I stated up above, I'm also trying to get through a book this month. Remember when I had the awesome opportunity to review Izzy Moffit's Road to Wonderland? Well, in a few weeks, I'm going to get to review the second in that series, Paris Hemsworth's Road to Wonderland. I'm not even halfway through the book, but I'm already excited. Come back here on January 26th and you'll see what I thought of the whole thing! (You can come back before then, too. If you wanted.)

Okay, final thought. Classic Alice is an amazing web series that I became addicted to because it's about a girl living her life by classic books (hello, English degree holders dream). They just finished their first run and now they're campaigning for their second. I know we should give money to those less fortunate and all that (and I do), but even a dollar would help these guys. Click on this link for more information: https://www.indiegogo.com/projects/classic-alice-books-8-beyond

Just watch one episode and try not to get addicted.

Monday, January 5, 2015

Life Is An Adventure

Happy (belated) New Year!

So, I've been a terrible blogger. Not for any one particular reason, either. But it's been a busy month. I thought I was just being lazy, but then I sat down and really thought about what's been keeping me away from this blog, and this is the list I came up with (chronologically, of course):

-More kids at work
-More kids' parents wanting all the grades to go up (without doing anything at home)
-Holiday preparing
-Driving to Vegas
-Driving home from Vegas (two days later)
-Finding a hurt kneed dog waiting for us at home
-Worrying over my worried boyfriend
-Starting a new diet
-Getting the flu
-Getting over the flu

And now I'm here! Of course, that stuff happened over the course of the month, but it's been a lot to handle, and I just haven't had the want to get on this thing. I also found that I don't have a place to blog anymore. I always thought it was so stupid when people said that they carved out a time and place to blog, because if you have a computer and internet connection, really, you can do it anywhere. Since I haven't set up my desk yet (more on that in a bit), I've had to do this on the bed or wherever I can find space. It hasn't been very fun and blogging on the bed isn't as wonderful as I thought it would be.

Then why not set up the desk, Bree? It's a tiny white IKEA thing and it should fit anywhere!

Well, it would, if I had a space to put it in.

Remember when I said that my boyfriend and I had moved into a house? We did. We moved into his parents' house because they're planning on moving to Arizona in a few weeks. We're going to take over the house (because it's an awesome house with actual yard space, and in Orange County, that's ridiculous) and since both of our lease's on our respective apartments/condos were up in November, we moved in a few months early. But that means that we have a bedroom and a half to fit all my stuff, all my boyfriend's stuff, a cat, and (now) a mending dog. We have about three weeks left of this mess, and then we can finally spread out. It's going to be another process, but one that I will be most willing to go through if that means I can set up my tiny white IKEA thing of a desk.

But what will you use that desk for, Bree?

Well, since I'm so changeable (insert Moriarty gif here), I've been working on a story that I long forgot about. I don't know what happened, but this last month has been nothing but that story. I found it in a random file on my computer, started reading it, and realized that I really loved it. It's unlike anything I've ever written and ever wanted to write, really, but it started off as a NaNo story, and then I thought that a month wouldn't be enough for this story. But then it just...died. And now it's back, which is how it always happens. So, yes, that means another shunting aside for Amory. Not that I don't love Amory, but I'm at a loss with her story right now. I can't think about where to go from here, and I think that some time off from her will do us both some good.

But I can only say that for so long.

So we shall see. I'm planning on making some big changes this year and I haven't quite factored in the writing yet. I guess that doesn't really go well with my resolution to get organized in all aspects of my life. Give me a break. It's five days into the new year. I'll get my stuff together. On December 31, 2015.