
Monday, August 18, 2014

When Life Gets In The Way

So, Bree, how did that schedule come along last week?

Shut it.

I have a very legitimate reason for not following my schedule last week, and it's definitely not because I forgot. Well, I mean, it sort of is because I forgot, I suppose. At a job, you're supposed to be ready for anything, right? Whatever your boss throws at you, you're supposed to catch it and say, Psh, no prob, I'll have this done in five seconds. Okay, now imagine that you work at a tutoring center where the organization there is...not best. Now, two new kids walk in: two kids that ask about a thousand questions per minute (even though they know perfectly well what they're supposed to be doing) with parents that want you to drop everything you're doing and dedicate all of your time to their children.


So I've been working long hours and I've been so stressed out (or angry) by the time I get home, that I did nothing more than sit on the couch and angry read the rest of the Harry Potter series. One day I didn't even turn on my computer. Trust me, that's a shock. This week is the last week that the two new kids are here, and now I'm prepared for what I'm going to take on, so I should be a bit more on  par. Not just with the blog here, but also with the writing.

In case you're new here (or haven't read between the lines), you may not know that I love to be lazy. There is no better weekend than being curled up in bed (or on a couch or chair or floor) with a good book or maybe watching some TV. I also like to write because that takes me away from the stress that I call life. However, there are some weekends where I must get out of bed, put real people clothing on, and go out into the world. Lucky for me, those seem to be few and far between.

Not anymore, sucker.

Somehow, every band/wrestling promotion/comedian/what have you that my boyfriend and I enjoy seem to have decided on having a show every weekend in the fall. Starting next Saturday, I'm booked until September 26th. True, some of the shows are only one day, but those shows are usually very tiring and I need a few days to recover (give me a break, I'm old). That means I most likely won't be working on Amory during the weekends. I'm going to need my week to really get going on this thing. But then I'm still looking for a new job and I've handed my name into several districts for substituting jobs...so. Yeah. We're going to see how well this whole writing thing goes when it's distracted by real life.

But, really, now that I've finished Harry Potter, it shouldn't be a problem.

So, until next time (Wednesday, hopefully, unless my head has exploded), have a wonderful week, and enjoy the little bit of summer we have left!

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