
Monday, September 14, 2015

Another Quickie

Do you want to know the one variable I didn't count on when I wrote that last blog post?

The weather.

The stupid, stupid weather.

I was honestly so excited the last time I posted because everything was going to go back to "normal" and I wouldn't be working strange summer hours. I had a schedule and an organizational zeal that was bursting at the seams. But no. No no no no no. The weather suddenly jumped up to the high 90s (even hitting 100 on a few glorious days) and I about died. Our bedroom was hot and sticky, and even sitting outside in the shade did nothing to cool me down. I don't think I did my hair once all last week, and thank god my boss came in with the same messy ponytail I was sporting more than once. It was miserable and gross and something inside me died.

It's *supposedly* going to be cooler this week, so that's good, if it's true. But this is ridiculous. It's September. I'm not asking for lashing rain and blizzards every two seconds (but I'd take it at this point), but a little break from sweating my make up off would be lovely.

I've been writing, but mostly I've been reading. I have a few book reviews lined up for this week, so that should be fun. I'm going to post one every day, because it's been awhile since I've done one just for fun and my already-read list is backing up, thirsty for reviews. Unless I wake up tomorrow (Monday) and the thermometer outside tells me that Hell has once more risen on Earth, then I should be in here writing and screaming German into my computer (the microphone doesn't pick up my horrible accent so well).

Other than that, nothing new to report on this side. I just recently discovered that this office I call my own is actually my own, so now I'm looking around for office inspiration. Nothing crazy and I have to keep it on a strict budget (because I HATE MONEY), but I'm excited to change things around and get it all organized. Also, to get a few random dressers out of the room and to finally get rid of the queen size bed that's in here just for my cat. I mean, c'mon. I love her, but no. Anyway, that should make for a fun few posts, because you know that I'm going to take my time and go piece by piece because that's just who I am. Oh! And we might get a new bookcase in the bedroom, so I'm going to have to brag about that. Of course.

Anyway, come on back all this week for new reviews each day.I'm not guaranteeing that they're going to be anything special, but I do have the new R.L. Stine lined up and - surprise! - I didn't hate it.

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