
Monday, June 2, 2014

Cue Bad 90s Drama Music!

Last time on the blog...

I said that I was going to use this weekend to map out one story and re-edit Amory. At first, I thought I would count this weekend as a loss because I really didn't do either. But then I realized that I rewrote the ending for Amory and jotted down a few notes for what's happening in this new story. So, combined, I think that should make one whole check mark, and one out of two isn't bad!

Really, though, I wasn't expecting much out of this weekend, especially concerning editing. I had to rewrite the ending to see if that was even something I wanted, and then I figured I'd sit on it for a few days, see how it felt. I do really like it, so this week will be a time for editing. Honestly, I didn't truly think that I would edit an entire manuscript this weekend. I know me and my limits for concentrating, and it just wasn't going to happen. Not with the sunshine out and a new book in my hands and the absolutely adorable dogs showing me what they can do in the swimming pool. But at least I wrote out the ending and now I just have to make sure it flows well with the rest of the book. Surprisingly, I think it should because even though this idea popped into my head last week, I noticed, while skimming the book this weekend, that it was already in my mind while writing. So this shouldn't be too difficult!

Now...mapping out the new story. I pretty much failed at that. I started writing, hoping that would help me figure out where these characters are going, but that did nothing but help me write 3,000 words. I'm wondering if I should finish the story this way, just letting whatever come out get on the page, but I'm not sure how long I can last like that. I need control of these characters and it's driving me nuts that they're like, Haha, nope, sorry, I'm doing this and you can just suck it. God, my characters are so rude. So, all I can say is, we'll see.

Also, I'm giving fair warning now: it's June 2nd. For the next month, if there are a few blog posts where I seem to be utterly slacking, don't blame me. Blame Stephen King, Leigh Bardugo, and JK Rowling. They each have a book coming out this month (the 3rd, 16th, and 19th, respectively), and I'm just throwing all my money at them. So...sorry. Kind of.

Speaking of, you should all go broke with me and read these books, too! I'm just tired of having a book club with my cat. She doesn't really bring anything to the table.

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