
Friday, May 30, 2014

I Want A Writing Robot

Microsoft Word is driving me nuts. For some strange reason, I decided to use Word to write this new story. I usually write in Scrivener, and then I transfer it to Word when I'm finished so I can edit there. Well, I thought, how about I cut out the middleman and just work in Word? It's worked out well so far, because I'm not so concerned with length and word count, which means my chapters are much longer than other stories I've written. And it's not just rambling either! When I reread everything that I've done for the day, I'm proud of myself because I've used all five senses without really knowing it.

So why is the program driving me nuts?

I opened it up today so I could share how far I am, and I saw that I've written 61 pages. 61! I think that's a lot. I figured I'd have about a million words, or somewhere in that vicinity.

I'm at 19,830.

I believe David Tennant can help me express my feelings.

And John Hurt is back there wondering what on earth I did wrong to have only written 19,830 words.

Don't get me wrong: I know that's a good start. In a week and a half, that's a really good start. But I guess I expected more, especially when I saw that 61 pages. Sometimes I'm over-optimistic, and when I'm typing away for a few hours, I think, Wow, I have to be almost done by now. It's a terrible habit, and if anyone in school is reading this, don't make that mistake. Not that I'm frustrated over it or anything. I'm staring at it right now, thinking about what's going to happen to the characters in the next chapter. However, I think this may stem from the fact that I still don't have any idea what's going on in this story. I know what's going to happen in the end...sort of. I also know I want this to be a one off, that I don't want to start another trilogy or cycle or what have you.

What's that, little voice in my head? I should take a breath and map out this book?

Well, I may have to listen to that little voice because it's May 30th. We all know what that means, right? It means that May is over (mostly) and that my little Amory vacation is up. Oh, darn. So I may use this weekend to map out one story while also re-editing Amory. This time shouldn't be so bad because now I know my ending and I'm going to work backwards. Oh! All of this reminds me! Small link party below...

The Goodreads page for the new book: https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/22240546-untitled

All You Left Behind on Amazon: http://www.amazon.com/All-Left-Behind-Guardian-Trilogy-ebook/dp/B00G3J8Q7G/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1401472148&sr=8-1&keywords=all+you+left+behind (hmmmm, I would watch this page, especially in the next few weeks...)

And....that's it, I suppose. Both of those links are also on the side of my page. The Goodreads page was really all I wanted to show, but then I remembered something I have planned for AYLB later in the month of June, so I thought I'd throw that up right now. The Goodreads page will (obviously) change in the coming weeks, since I think I've settled on a title. Now it's just a matter of settling on a cover image.

I'm still leaning toward the handsome male angel flipping us off. It does accurately portray how I felt most of the time while writing this book.

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