
Friday, August 30, 2013

Train's Moving On From Procrastination Station

...Hm, slowly but surely, that is.

I Twittered (yeah, I'm still on that word). You're all going to go look at it and say to yourselves, my goodness, Bree must have put thousands of hours of thought into this most profound and beautiful Tweet (well, I had to use it there, because Twitter sounds stupid). If you said this, you'd be wrong. About 30 minutes ago, I woke up from a broken sad nap (you know, one of those naps you take when you're so depressed at the world that all you can do is curl up into bed and force the cat to cuddle/sleep with you) and realized that I hadn't written a blog post today. Well, that wouldn't do, but I also didn't want to go into this post without having done at least one thing that I said I would do.

No, I haven't gotten around to any blogs, but I have been scoping them out from a distance. And, no, it is most certainly not because I've been marathon watching the sixth series of Doctor Who. That's only part of it, so wipe that smug look off your face. I'm also deep in preparations for my dad's move in a few months. He brought home a ton of boxes from storage and I've been having a bit of fun playing with the nostalgia of all my things. Mainly I've been throwing away old pictures of me from high school with people I haven't spoken to since high school and trying to figure out how in the hell I acquired so many stuffed animals. Seriously. I'm surprised my parents didn't go broke with all the stuffed animals and books I found. If this were the early 1990s, I would have made a killing selling all my Cabbage Patch dolls and Baby-Sitters Club books I found. Alas, those things went to Goodwill, so another little girl can fully appreciate the awesomeness that was a 1980s/1990s childhood.

So, I've gotten the ball rolling. This is a loooong weekend (thanks Labor Day!) and my last before my regular school schedule begins. I'm planning on hauling butt around the internet and seeing what's there for me, but I also planned on finishing the sixth series of DW, so you can see my dilemma, right? I've also got a room to finish cleaning, a cat that's evil eyeing me right now, and a library book that goes back in three weeks. Sure, I'll most likely finish it in two days, but that's not the point! The point is that it's completely unfair that there's so many wonderful things to do and I have to sit here on my computer and sort of work.

Being whiny is fun. I recommend you all try it at least once this week.

(And yes, I realize that my first Tweet is so very nerdy, but David Tennant came to me, speaking words of wisdom when I was wondering what to write. There were a lot of w words in that sentence. It's kind of fun to say out loud. If you're doing that right now, you're the best.)

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