
Monday, August 26, 2013

Almost Completely Done

The dedication is done. The table of contents is checked off the list. The Kindle preview went well. My cover is finished, the blog has been updated, and new ideas for the sequel are rolling in.

Dare I say it? Am I.........done?

I really think I am. It's just the little matter of the promoting part of the book. I don't know if I've said this before, but I can't promote myself. I feel stupid telling people about what I've done and I downplay my book each time someone asks about it. I self-sabotage. But I don't know how to talk proudly of myself without coming off as arrogant. I am proud of this book, I am proud of myself for completing a task that I never thought would be finished, but I'm not sure how to tell people that without sounding pushy and rude. Like, buy my book because it's the best thing you'll ever read and if you don't, you're going to feel so dumb around all your cool friends who are on their thirtieth reading.

Okay, I don't actually say anything close to that.

I'm on Twitter, even though I've never actually tweeted (I think it should be changed to twittered, because that makes me think of a bunch of birds giggling) because each time I read an embarrassing tweet, I cringe inside. And then I have one of those profound thoughts: you know, like, the person who tweeted this didn't think it was embarrassing, they probably thought it was insightful and they are so brave to do that. And then I think of my first tweet (oh, yes, I have thought about it), and the cringing happens all over again.

It can't be any worse that what I write on here, right?

So, in the next week or so, you might see my little voice on Twitter or around other blogs. I'm going to try and break out of my internet introverted personality, and introduce myself to the world. Well, the internet world. Which is, apparently, a world now.

Be gentle, I'm an introvert in real life, too.

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