
Monday, August 5, 2013

"Editing" Day 1

It's actually been an hour of editing, and I'm already done with it all.

Is that a good sign?

I've read through the basic Kindle formatting instructions and even sprung for the (completely free) Kindle how-to book. While I haven't quite finished reading the whole thing, I've been going on step by step, thinking that it'll get me through quicker or easier or something. But I've had to go back and forth and back and forth and back and forth and...You get the idea. Sigh. And that's only dealing with page breaks and titles pages. I've only just reached how to make a Kindle table of contents and that whole section is somewhat gibberishy, but that's because it comes from the Microsoft website and they think everyone is a computer programmer. That one I might seek out a little help for, or else my table of contents might end up looking like a coloring book.

The one thing I've really taken away from this long hour is that I need a better strategy to approaching editing. I get so excited to finish something that I rush at the first step, and then get so angry when they finish with "...and do this step only after such-and-such step." Of course I wouldn't do it until that step! Yeah, right. But the good part of this all is that I'm getting excited again. I've only caught snatches and glimpses of what Amory and co. are up to, but it gives me that itch. And then I figured, hey, I'm home alone for the next five days...why not take advantage of that? Sure, I had originally planned on zoning out on Doctor Who and Breaking Bad, but I guess I could make a little bit of room for writing.

Now that that's all out of the way, sorry about the last post being so short. You know those lost weekends you sometimes have, when there's nothing to do and you just feel like being lazy? My boyfriend and I try to have those sometimes, and I guess I throw myself completely into it. It's like my laptop suddenly becomes a million pounds heavier and I can't bother to lift it out of it's cover. So I kind of threw that up with nothing more than confused thoughts. But the point of the post was the writing, so as long as I got that up, that's all that matters. I would appreciate some kind of feedback from anyone who reads this thing, even if it's oh my god, throw out your laptop because you write worse than my five year old sister. I'd be okay with that. After the hours of tears.

Just kidding. Probably just a few minutes.

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