You want to know the best thing about NaNo time? The unpredictability. Anything can happen during this time, and it usually comes out in the story. You know what else is the best thing? When you're almost a week into NaNo and decide that you don't like the way that your story is going so you decide to abandon it and start another one.
Yes, that's what I decided to do late last night. I opened up Scrivener and read over what I had read. The prologue is pretty good, but the first chapter wanders aimlessly. I have no idea what's going on there and I don't think any of my characters know, as well. I have other stories that are waiting on the back burner, stories that are just kind of there, and so I'm going to start one of those. But I'm not completely abandoning the first story. I guess I want more time to actually plan it out, because, like I said before, I like this idea. It makes me a bit sad reading over what I wrote because I want it to be good, and this is not my best. I guess I'm just not the type to wing it. I've tried before, and I keep getting frazzled or don't like anything that I've done. I'm a planner. I need to stop fighting that.
Needless to say, I spent my weekend actively avoiding my computer. I just couldn't think of a thing to write about. Well, for my former NaNo story. I have a beginning, a middle, and an end, but I have nothing in between those. I'm like the underpants gnomes.
I have a phase one and three, but phase two is kind of murky. Not that it's a bad thing. I'll find that phase eventually, but it's not going to happen if I'm stumbling my way through it.
Besides that, I've made the terrible decision of trying to watch Game of Thrones during this month, too. I'm only on the fifth episode of the first season, so doing well! I also need to stop referring to Cersei as Galadriel and wondering when Arya is going to kill everyone and become queen. Yes, I've read the books, so I (vaguely) know what happens, but still. I can dream.
For now, however, I have to stop dreaming and finish stupid chores like laundry and grocery shopping. Where's the part where I start being rich from writing and can hire someone to do these things?
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