Wow, I'm already at 100 posts. That didn't take as long as I thought it would. Of course, I've never been good with numbers, so I'm sure I thought it would be years before I reached 100 posts. Math is not my friend.
Oh, this week. This week has been beautiful. Let's start with NaNo. Since I started participating in this program in 2009, I've been a terrible cheater. I always plan ahead, storyboard for at least a month, and then have no worries when it comes to November (or, in the camp cases, April) 1st. But this year. This year! I've done nothing. I have an idea for a story, I know my characters, I know what the story is (basically) about. But do I know where I'm going, chapter to chapter? Nope. Do I know how one character is supposed to get from A to B? Nuh-uh. I'm just writing. I'm only one the first chapter and setting things up. This is interesting, trying something new. Am I stressed over it? Surprisingly, no. I'm having a good time, just writing and seeing where the characters want to go. Am I going to reach 20,000 words this way? Who knows. But I do know that I'm having a good time trying.
Another good thing to come out of this month is that I'm already thinking about editing for Amory. It's been more than a week since I finished and stepped away from it, and I already miss it. Usually that takes a few weeks, maybe even a month or two. But this was a quick turn around. I find myself looking at the file folder more than I should. If what the Camp NaNo page tells me is true, I could finish this current story around the middle of April (if I stop at 20,000 words), and then I could get to editing faster than I thought. Which means I could get it out faster than I thought. Which means I could cry over the fact that I hate promotion...faster than I thought. Seriously. Who invented promoting yourself? It's awkward and strange and I hate it. Let me tell you a quick story: My dad called me a few weeks ago because we had an issue with my rental insurance. I could talk with him about that for days. But then he changed the subject and started talking about my book and how much he liked it. I just sat there, hmmming and mumbling my thanks. If you want to talk about books I've read or movies I've seen or places I've been, awesome. I'll gab your ear off. Wait, what? You want to talk about something I created? Nope. I'm going to sit here and stare at you uncomfortably until you shut up and start up about Harry Potter again.
I'm a terrible author, huh? Don't I know it.
Oh, quick note, though: My birthday is coming up in a week. Well, it's on a Saturday, but, really, I celebrate my birthday all month. Because I'm seven years old (wouldn't that be a twist?). So, next week, I may share a little from the new manuscript for Amory. Please remember, it'll be unedited and it may be completely different once the book comes out, but at least it'll give you a little taste of what this book is about. It's on my calendar now, so I won't forget! Promise!
PS - Thanks to everyone who reads this and has stayed for 100 posts. You're all the best.
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