...Those two things should totally mix. Last year, whenever football was on, my boyfriend would be glued to the screen and I would be on his incredibly wonderful couch, writing away with my headphones in (boys still think the people inside the TV can hear them if they yell). Football "started" on Sunday (I count that day as the first day of football season because Thursday should never count), but was I writing? Nope. True, I did read most of the day, but I don't think I even thought about turning on my computer. No, I saved that for this morning, when I went on a little marathon and laid out a story that's been in my head for quite some time. It's young adult-ish, and I think that's what I need right now. I've been trying to be so serious for the sequel to AYLB and it's driving me insane. So I'm taking some time to do something fun, something non-threatening, something...not so serious. Thinking about this story makes me giggle inside, and I consider that a good time.
But, really, how's the cover hunt coming?
Pretty well, actually. I've found some pictures that won't cost me my first born and even some more than cost me nothing. I'm aiming for late September, and I know that I keep pushing it back, but more little things keep popping up. The book I'm reading for how to publish to Kindle continually reminds me of something that I didn't put in or something that I did that I shouldn't have. Then there's all this helpful advice on the internet that tells me what I really should put in that the Kindle publishing books don't tell me.
Even more reason why I need my non-threatening, giggly mess of a story.
I also started my regular work schedule, and one of the teachers recently quit, so I'm all alone with twenty confused children who apparently have forgotten everything they learned a few months ago. That could also go for their names, and that wouldn't surprise me in the least. I was going to write this earlier, but I had some errands to run and thought, oh, I have so much time after work, so it's no problem! Yeah. Now I'm super tired and cranky and all I want to do is watch Phillip Rivers fail so hard that he gets kicked out of the NFL (sorry - not a Rivers fan) and lay on the floor so my cat can groom me until I fall asleep.
A perfect night after the nightmare of a day I've had with those children.
But maybe I'll get a second (or third or fourth or hundredth) wind later on and do something worthwhile. Whether that be the cover or writing a bit more, I don't know. Let's be realistic here: it'll probably mean I'll read a book or play Lego Lord of the Rings. Or waste my life on Pinterest. I have to get away from this computer now.
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