There's an incredibly popular saying floating around in the world out there, a quote that I've never really held much stock in because I tried not to think so negatively: Anything that can go wrong, will go wrong.
Why start off with such a wonderfully clichéd quote, you ask? Well, let me explain a little something to you...
I had planned this week beautifully. I had set out a week of fun, a week of discovery, a week of shameless self-promotion. What would it all lead up to, one may ask? Well, my dear friend, it was going to lead up to the release of my book, All You Left Behind. I finished the cover, almost finished the Kindle Publishing process, and tied up all the loose ends. So I thought. I discovered that I needed to pay for something, something so tiny and insignificant, really, but pretty important to the release of my book. Well, no problem, I thought, I'll just whip out my debit card and...
Oh, yeah. My debit card. The one I lost on Friday and won't get a replacement for until next week.
Then I thought, well, that's okay. I'll just postpone it a week. That's no big deal. Seven to ten business days, that's anywhere from the last day of September to October 4th (if we're being honest, it's Wells Fargo, so it most likely won't be until the 4th). How about we just make the release date October 8th?
Oh, what's that, Dad? You're suddenly moving weeks earlier than expected because the house you got closes on October 9th? And I need to move into my new apartment around that time? All righty then.
So how about October 15th?
Are you kidding me? Have you tried to do anything else not involved with moving while moving? It's a mess. Last time I moved, I was working and trying to hang out with my boyfriend and set up an apartment and not lose my mind and not kill everyone around me. So. Maybe not the 15th.
But this leads me to my super exciting news (well, the first part): The new, official release date for All You Left Behind is October 22nd. It's in bold, so I can't take it back. Besides, that gives me plenty of time to stress out and make sure that everything is wrong before I put it up on Kindle. Because that's just what I do. But that does give me a month for the previously mentioned shameless self-promotion.
Which leads to the week o' fun!
I had planned (why do all of my sentences seem to begin this way?) on doing a whole series for my characters this week. I was going to introduce them, give you a little glimpse into their world, and then you'd all be adequately prepared to spend millions of my book! Not really, but you get the idea. I was going to actually use Twitter and not just put up links to my blog. I'd also toyed with the thought of putting my book up on Goodreads, but I'm going to have to get back to you on that one. Basically, I was going to become a real author, like a literary Pinocchio. And, as I said before, it was all going to lead up to the release of my book. What is one to do?
Good thing I'm an excellent planner, as you all very well know.
After I publish this blog, there's going to be four more until the release on October 22nd. Like the four days this week I was going to use to introduce my characters! Oh my. Instead of a week o' fun, I'll turn it into a month o' fun, which is way more o' fun, if you ask me. Over the next few days, I'm going to try and use Twitter more, but, you know. Social media and all that. So, no promises on that front, but I'll keep it in the back of my head.
So, to sum up, class: in the coming weeks, you'll be introduced to all of my characters, get to know them in a semi-personal way. I also explain a bit about the world surrounding them and what exactly is going on. You know, all those things that readers like to know about before blindly picking up a book.
Yay! Month o' fun!
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