Considering that I completely forgot that today was July 1st, I'd say that I'm doing pretty well for the start of Camp NaNo. Even though I've been counting down the days until July 4th, since I get a four day weekend out of it, I had no idea that today was the beginning of July. I wish that I could project a feeling of confidence to you people: smile and say that I totally know what I'm doing with my Camp NaNo story, that I've got this in the bag and that all I have to do it dust my storyboard happily. I also wish that I looked like Sheri Moon Zombie, but that's not happening either.
After a long and rather productive rambling/conversation session with my boyfriend, I think I've decided on one story to get me through the summer. The only problem is that I didn't plan for this story. I know the characters, sure, and the setting, whatever, but as for the rest of it? Even though NaNo is supposed to be a totally spontaneous journey, I'm not really a very good fly-at-the-seat-of-my-pants person. I like to plan things, as lazy as I can be sometimes (all right, all of the time). But I am especially organized (I almost wrote "planful" and you know what? I don't care, because I kind of like that word) when it comes to my writing, because I have a tendency to ramble (no way, really, Bree? I would have never guessed). It's fine for certain things, but when I have a character talking about her love of Russian literature when she's supposed to be thinking about how screwed up her family is, well, that's another thing. So, I don't like to say that I plan for NaNo, but I do write out a storyboard and figure out what happens first, next, then, last. I like to have an idea of where the heck I'm heading.
This one, though...Well, I know where's I'm heading. I understand the beginning and ending. It's the middle that's going to get a little...muddled (yes, I giggled a little at that sentence, because I'm a dork). I have 31 days to figure it all out, which is a good amount of time, but I also get terribly excited about writing and have to start right away. I guess what I'm trying to get at is...this story is already a mess and I haven't even written word one.
Sigh. Really, I was just hoping that this would get the ol' creative juices flowing for the sequel to my smash hit AYLB (I'm watching the last episode of Smash right now, so don't judge). Those characters are slowly making their way back into my head, pushing and prodding me, wondering why I've been neglecting them. And I'm not sure how I'm supposed to tell figments of my imagination that I was annoyed by them, but I'll get around to unfreezing their lives.
So, instead of sitting here and seeing just how long I could possibly make this post (don't challenge me), I should be planning a storyboard and getting my ducks in order. But I also have to play the Sims 3, and finish Copper, and clean my room, and do my laundry, and stare at my pretty new phone case, and...Well, you get the idea. I'm going to go smack myself around so that I'll have a way more productive post on Friday. You can't see it, but I'm winking at you. But not creepily.
I'm sorry if it's creepy.
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