
Monday, July 8, 2013

An Actual...Schedule?

I tried to be one of those bloggers who plan what they're going to write. I even downloaded a blog writing sheet that was supposed to help me figure out what to write next and organize it in such a beautiful way. But that all went out the window when I realized that it is really not my style. I had planned on writing about procrastination, since I felt that I had been doing enough of that over the weekend and the Fourth of July vacation, but then I looked at my word count and said...what procrastination?

I'm at over 21,000 words (I haven't updated the counter yet, but that will be later tonight) and I've managed to do other things in my life, as well. I went to Target. I clean my bathroom. I finished the first season of Copper. I managed to squeeze in some playing time on The Walking Dead. I wrote almost 3,000 words. And that was all today! I found a groove today and just went with it. At work, I'd been thinking of a schedule, and all the time that I had during the day suddenly presented itself. I have time to do everything and more. Not only does this terrify me, but it excites me, as well! It helps to multitask, as well, like watching Copper while playing a game or cleaning. But I'm just super talented like that.

Anyway, the story is progressing as planned. I've been pretty much following the storyboard I made, which isn't really a storyboard, just a piece of paper with boxes and arrows. It's pathetic, really, but I haven't exactly mapped out a spot in my room for a large whiteboard or bulletin board. So I work with what I have. It seems to work, because, like I said, it's more of a guideline than a storyboard. I add things here and there, and sometimes I just move it all. It's really so I have a beginning, middle, and end. Just so I'm not 30,000 words in and say to myself, Oh, yeah, it's been about eighteen chapters since she's gone out with her best friends. I should do something about that.

Don't laugh. I've done it before.

Besides, it's only July 8th and my brain is beginning to say, hey, Bree, you know what sounds fun right now? A story about vampires. Get on that. Yes, my brain sometimes sounds like a crack dealer. Because that's what it feels like sometimes: gives me a bunch of crap that I go crazy with and then it ruins my entire life. Yes, I'm also dramatic. But really! Now I'm all about this other vampire story, and I don't even like vampire stories! So, here's hoping that July passes quickly and that my brain stops being such a jerk and that this story finishes. And then we can move onto the vampire story. I think it's just an excuse to re-watch Buffy. Like I need an excuse.

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