I showed my dad this blog in hopes that he would praise me to high heaven and brag about me more than he does (just kidding...he caught me writing the other day and asked me what in the heck I was doing). When I showed him my last post, he said, Mi hija (because he calls me nothing else), is that how you pick what book you're going to write? By using a random generator? I patiently explained to him what I'm about to explain here, and he told me that I shouldn't be wasting my time telling him! Well, thanks Dad.
Me being me, I assume everyone knows what I'm talking about when I jump halfway into a story. I don't know how many times my boyfriend has asked me, What, wait are you talking about? I think I've mentioned before that I participate in NaNo, and Camp NaNo is awesome. I hardly ever start a new story there thinking that it'll turn into something huge, because the camp sessions are mainly for me to keep writing. If I don't write every day, I kind of fall into a funk. So, no, I don't use the random generator to figure out which book I'm going to write next; I use it to figure out which story I'm going to write next. Many of the story ideas I have usually end up going nowhere, but I use them for NaNo or just to write. Then I pick one to use as a "book model", where I do everything I would normally do when writing a book, including story maps, boards, character analysis, and all that other junk.
The story that I picked (well, that the generator picked) is going to be used for the July camp session of NaNo. I've been pretty lazy lately, and I need to get back into the swing of things. I figure that this week, all I'm doing is playing games, cleaning (since my allergies have decided to make a miraculous comeback), catch up on Game of Thrones (the show; I've already finished the books), and try out some fun things I've seen on Pinterest (seriously, DO NOT GO THERE IF YOU WANT A LIFE!), I'm going to get back into the swing of writing.
Of course, it wouldn't be me without some changes.
Yes, I may change the story a bit, or a lot, or completely, but I'll know more tonight. I hate when ideas pop into my head, because then I grab a hold of some and just run with them. But we'll see. I just didn't want people thinking that I'm such an idiot I needed a random generator to pick my books for me. Like a magic conch shell.
Dang. Now I have to go watch SpongeBob.
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