
Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Promises, Promises

After publishing my last post, I thought to myself, gosh, Bree, you should really have a schedule for this thing. Because sometimes I get a little crazy and have to have schedules for everything (those promptly go out the window, except when it comes to things like reading, watching TV, or writing). But I promised myself last time that I would try Monday and Friday blogs, beginning of the week and then end of the week, just to see how I spent my time (weekends don't count, because I sometimes barely get dressed on Saturdays and Sundays, so how can I expect myself to even turn on my laptop?). Well. More than a week later...

In my defense, I had kind of a stressful weekend, what with my cousin's graduation and driving around California and figuring out just why Marriott sucks. And then yesterday, my boyfriend kept inundating me with E3 information that I rolled my eyes at, but secretly coveted like a new book. Enough with the excuses, though! I'm going to try this schedule thing, and I may even get back to writing, since that's what this whole thing is supposed to be about. Authors should stop publishing good books. For awhile, at least, until I can catch up. Because it's really rude of them not to take my schedule into consideration (yes, sometimes I am delusional, why do you ask?).

The good thing is that next week I get a (drumroll, please) vacation! I'll be off work starting this Friday for an entire week (technically nine days, but weekends, you know) and I'm going to use that time wisely. Maybe. Hopefully. Sometimes my mom would complain that there weren't enough hours in the day and I would think she was nuts, because I thought there were too many hours in the day since I finished everything so quickly. But now I understand, although not for the same reasons (she had to clean and cook and work and all that other boring stuff).

So we shall see. I'm making a promise for the schedule, which really benefits me more than anyone, but I'm also making a promise that on Friday, I'll have an update for the new story. That gives me a week to concentrate on one idea. Wait, it's Tuesday...I'm already a day behind!

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