I wish I had a valid excuse for why I've been missing in action for the last few weeks. I wish I could say that I was writing up a storm or that a thousand publishers were begging for the rights to my newest masterpiece. Really, I can account for the last week, but before that? Ummm...I had to adequately prepare for the last week?
That's true, really. Last Saturday, the boy and I woke up at some ungodly hour to get on a plane at another ungodly hour to fly some ungodly amount of hours to get to New York! This was our first real vacation in...years. We went to New York together once before, but we went with his family that time, and this was just us. It was so fun to just walk around the city and get lost. It was rainy and cold and gray, and I couldn't have asked for better weather. Of course, we went for a reason (his overwhelming love for Pearl Jam), but we managed to do some things that we had planned, like a trip to The Strand (my new holy ground), a midnight snack at Shake Shack, and a lovely afternoon walk around Central Park.
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Courtesy of the boy |
It was the most fun I've had in quite some time, so I'm grateful that we went. The boy had a wonderful time at the two Pearl Jam concerts we attended (I know, like, six songs out of about eighty billion), and it was nice to get away from work for even just a few days.
Now we're back and life must resume. Sigh.
For me, that means I have to get back on track with writing. I wasn't kidding when I said that I spent the weeks before vacation stressing out about the vacation. Now that it's in the rear-view mirror (and the next one isn't until August), I'm going to dedicate what time I have toward writing and my German courses.
What I've been stressing about most is that I haven't felt a pull toward writing. I know that I want to write and that there are stories inside me that excite me, but that full-blown excitement just wasn't...there. Then, as I was scrolling through Tumblr one day, I came across a quote that I had seen before, but never before had it seemed so relevant. Basically, it equated writing to nature and how trees don't "produce fruit all year long." We all have dormant times, stretches of days or weeks or months or years where we don't "produce" any writing. I thought that my writer's block had been cured a few weeks ago, but that's not the case. I had a wonderful idea for a new story and it's one that's pretty close to my heart since it's based on actual events in my life, but nothing seemed to come of it. I think I've been pushing myself to produce something, to sit down and write, and I can't force something like that. I'm not sure anyone can. If your heart's not in it, then you shouldn't force yourself to do it.
So, what I'm planning on is to circle my computer, to maybe sit down and write out a few things, just to see what I'm feeling. But I'm not going to force myself to write something that I'm not excited about. I've finished one story last month, and I can edit that, and usually editing is the bane of my existence, but it does make me excited to write. We'll see how it all works. I'll try my best to keep everyone updated, but I do have to get through some NetGalley books, and then those reviews will be up here, I promise!
Yeah, yeah, we've heard that before, right? Sigh.
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