
Thursday, December 3, 2015

The End of NaNo and The Beginning of a Bigger Mess

NaNo is over! And I won!

Trust me, no one is more surprised than I am. I went on a marathon writing jag last weekend and just barely made it. I'm not entirely sure I want to go back and read over what I wrote, because I'm sure it makes no sense and probably has nothing to do with the plot. But, I guess, whatever? I won? I don't know. I'm just glad that November is done with and we're on to December.

So how did I celebrate this momentous win? I turned off my computer for five days and didn't step foot in my office for the same amount of time. I couldn't stand to look at my computer anymore, and I'm sure it felt the same way about me. But now I've decided to be an adult and get things in order.

My office is an absolute mess. I debated whether or not to share a picture because, seriously, it makes me cringe each time I walk in, but in the interest of being honest, here it is.

It's so embarrassing. My office has become the Island of Misfit Toys, with whatever we can't find a place for finding a home in my office. It's not a permanent home, mind you, but it's still a home. All those boxes piled on top of the bookshelf? Those are nerd boxes that my boyfriend subscribes to. ALL OF THEM. He went a little crazy one day - and I love him for it - but now we have to find space for those things. Until then, they live here. My cat also lives in this room, because we have the dog and my boyfriend is allergic, so her most of the time home is in here. She pretty much makes any mess she can, and those two beds? Yeah, those are both hers, but she doesn't use them. BECAUSE SHE HATES ME. She uses her crate, the place that she hates so much she usually throws up in there.

I don't know. Our household is strange.

Anyway, why am I showing these disgusting, hideous pictures? Because I'm hoping that by next week, this will all be cleaned up. Not exactly cleared out, but at least in a state of organization that I can handle. We're going Christmas decoration shopping on Saturday morning and then setting up the house for the merriest of holidays that day.

Really, I'm in it for the cookies, the music, and the movies, but I'll take some presents, too.

Sunday, however, I'll be able to dedicated most of my day to cleaning the office. Looking around, it seems like a rather daunting task, but I can do it. Because I have to, or else I'll slowly go insane in here.

But what about writing, Bree? What about that?? Well, let me tell you, I think I've already found a story that I want to concentrate on. I'd been looking at it since October, and it was almost my NaNo story, but then I changed my mind. But now, I've been reading it on my phone and miss it. It's fun and it has substance, and I think it could really be something if I just give it a little love. I haven't made my final decision yet, but I'm leaning toward this story. I'll keep you all updated on that, and the office, because I know you want to see it all pretty and sparkling.

Also, next week I'll have a review up of This Is Where It Ends. I was going to do it today, but I just finished it last night and I'm still processing some feelings. It's a difficult book.

That's it for now! I'll see you next week for reviews and gorgeous office makeovers! (Don't hold your breaths.)

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