Growing up with certain expectations and your entire life mapped out for you is never easy, but when the bar is set impossibly high, most would give up.
Not Max Colton.
Even as a child, his father is unrelenting. Discipline, rules and rigid control are all he knows. Nothing Max does is good enough, and no matter how hard he works, approval and recognition are always just out of reach.
From boarding school to university, Max gets a glimpse of the freedom he’s always been denied, and learns unexpected things about himself along the way. When he somehow finds himself thrust back under his father’s iron rod of control, that freedom proves harder to let go of than he anticipated and he finds himself caught in a balancing act between his lifelong battle for his father’s approval and living out his own hopes and dreams.
With loves found and lost and his friends at his side, Max has to navigate through the world one step at a time. People aren’t always as they seem, and every stone unturned reveals a new challenge, bringing him closer to a future that has always seemed elusive and uncertain.
A future that holds success, freedom and love he never expected to have.
A future that will offer loyal friends and a home that isn’t confined to a building.
A future that leads him to Wonderland.
Click here to check out the trailer for this book!
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About the Author:
H. A. Robinson is a jet-setting billionaire with a home on
each continent, who spends her free time saving kittens from trees and babies
from burning buildings. A graduate of Hogwarts and a frequent visitor to
Narnia, she drinks coffee in Central Perk and tames dragons in Westeros.
In her dreams…
In reality, she’s a support worker living in a small town in
Cheshire, who would almost always choose fantasy over reality. She’s been an
obsessive reader from the moment she picked up her first Enid Blyton book, more
years ago than she cares to admit, and enjoys nothing more than getting lost in
new worlds and adventures from the minds of all the amazing authors out there.
She’s had the voices of characters in her head for as long
as she can remember, and puts them down on paper in order to convince herself
and the men in white coats that she isn’t crazy.
Social Links:
Twitter: @H_ARobinson
The Road to Wonderland
Series Facebook page:
BOOKS IN THE SERIES available in ebook & paperback
The Road to Wonderland Series
Available as ebooks and paperbacks
The Road to Wonderland Series:
Charlie M. Matthews interviews H.A. Robinson
CMM: *sneaks into the headquarters of H.A
Robinson and plants a whoopee cushion on her minion covered throne.
After gazing around in admiration, I pull
out my pen and notebook and wait patiently for her arrival*
HA: *Slinks in and plonks down on the King
Bob throne and groans at the farting noise* I shoulda seen that one coming,
CMM: Yuuuuup. It has clearly been too
long, my friend. You've lost your touch.
HA: *Pulls air in through teeth* I’ll have
to come see you to sharpen my skills back up. *Grins*
CMM: That you will... So, I should
probably start this interview off by saying thank you. When I heard that I
would be given a chance to grill the ever enchanting H.A. Robinson, I almost
peed my pants. I've been dying to get my hands on you since... well... since
forever. And here you are *throws arms out*
HA: *Laughs and crosses legs on my throne*
Here I am. And I’m not nervous about this interrogation at all. *Shakes head*
Nope. Not in the slightest!
CMM: *eyes her curiously and smirks*
Suuuuuure you're not *cackles like one of the Sanderson sisters*
Now, let's get down to business *chucks on
my professional face, twirling pen in hand*
You have very recently published your
first novel, Max Colton's Road to Wonderland *grins* Congratulations, by the
way. How does that feel?
HA: *Grins* Thank you! In all honesty, the
only word I’ve been able to come up with to describe it has been surreal. It
seems crazy to think that that’s my book out there on people’s Kindles and soon
to be on people’s bookshelves, too. You better get used to that crazy feeling
soon, too. It’s surreal, wonderful and in a way, really humbling. It’s the
strangest thing I’ve ever experienced and I really can’t thank all the people
who have been so nice about my word baby enough!
CMM: I can only imagine how crazy that
feeling must be. To have the whole world reading your words and judging you by
them. It would appear that there isn't a soul out there who hasn't loved
hearing Max's story, myself included, and the reviews have been mind blowing.
Your novel touched so many people and in so many different ways. What does that
feel like? To know that they didn't just buy your novel, but rated it so
highly? I know I would be hiding behind my computer absolutely shitting myself
as the reviews come in *laughs*
HA: *Laughs and nods* Oh yes, every review
that came in, I held my breath while reading them, waiting for the one that
would call me out as a fraud. I’m still waiting for that review that says,
“What on earth is this woman thinking, trying to write? Go back to the day
job!” It’s one thing to have your friends and family telling you you’ve done a
good job, but it’s a whole different thing when somebody you’ve never spoken to
before contacts you to tell you how much they’ve enjoyed your writing. It’s the
most immensely amazing feeling. I can’t even begin to describe it!
CMM: Trust me when I tell you... *lifts
eyes from notepad and grins* that day will never come. In fact, I can't wait
see what's next. Which leads me to this question.
What is next for HA? Are you working on
anything new at the moment?
HA: *Laughs and smooches her cheek* Thank
you. I’ll pay you that tenner later, gorgeous.
Actually, I am currently writing a romance
novel that popped into my head in the bath of all places. Don’t judge me!
*Laughs* I’ve also got a dystopian story swirling around in my head that I want
to work on once this project is complete. There just aren’t enough hours in the
CMM:Hold up! *raises hand* Can I just put
this out there? She did not pay me to say that *mumbles under breath, giving
her the stink eye* And I really, reeeeeally did enjoy it.
We all love a good romance. What makes
this novel different to the others out there? Can you give us a little insight
on what's to come?
HA: Hmm, well I don’t want to give too
much away, but the characters I’m writing are insanely loud in my head. In
fact, with the amount of editing work I’ve been doing recently, writing time
has been pretty short and the male lead, whose name is Elijah, has had a full
on pout going in my head for weeks! Other than that, I can say that it’s very
much a love story, but there’s a little mystery in there, too. At least I hope
it’s mysterious! *Laughs nervously*
CMM: *squeals* I love a good mystery!
The voices can get pretty loud, huh? How
do you juggle both writing and editing whilst these voices are screaming to be
heard? Do you have a rota in place so you can manage both? I can imagine it
must be tough.
HA: It mostly involves sleeping very
little if I want to fit both in. The trouble is, I absolutely love doing both,
so it’s just a question of fitting them both in around my full time job. So
yeah, sleep loses its priority status. *Laughs*
CMM: Ergh... I can't function unless I've
had at least eight hours sleep. I don't know how you do it but I take my
Arsenal cap off to you *tips peak of invisible cap in a bow like motion*
You're like superman, with huge tits
HA: You’re the only person I’ve ever met
who’s described them as huge, but I’ll take it! *Snorts* Shame about that cap,
CMM: *flips her the bird*
On a more personal level, though. Where do
you see yourself in ten years?
HA: I presume we’re looking for something
more in depth than just sunning myself on a nice beach in the Caribbean,
drinking piƱa coladas and spending my lottery winnings here? *Grins* I honestly
don’t know. I’d like to think I’ll still be writing and editing. Those are the
things that make me truly happy when I’m doing them. It would be nice to be
editing full time by then. But I’m a take each day as it comes kind of girl so
who knows what could be happening by then. Maybe I’ll be living on the moon or
something. *Laughs* You never know!
CMM: *draws a moon on my notebook and a
little yellow minion called Bob sitting on top. Lifting my head, I eye her over
my lashes* You're very passionate about writing and reading. Is that something
you have always loved?
HA: *Roars laughing* It’s called KING Bob.
*Nods* I’m just saying. *Laughs* Oh, absolutely. Especially reading. I’ve loved
books since I was a little girl. I was reading before I started school and I
honestly can’t remember a time since I picked up my first book when I haven’t
had at least one on the go. If it was the only thing available, I’d probably
read the phone book. I’ve had a love affair with words my entire life and I
don’t imagine that will ever change. Writing was something I did a bit of as a youngster
and enjoyed. I even have a little book my school made up when I was in year one
at primary school, called The Ant and the Bee Make Friends. I was allowed to
choose two friends to help me illustrate it and everything. *Laughs* It wasn’t
until I was older that I started up writing again, though, and rediscovered my
love for it. Now, I get cranky if I go too long without putting words on a
CMM: N’aaaaaaw, that's so cute. You'll
have to bring it along next time. The bin-lids would love to have a read.
Well, I for one am so extremely pleased
that you have carried your love of writing with you. Your first novel has been
a huge success. One I will remember forever.
Some people find it hard to write a story
based on the opposite sex. Did you find this while writing Max's story, or did
it come quite naturally to you?
HA: Yeah, writing from a male point of
view is certainly different but I actually really enjoyed it. I wouldn’t say it
all came naturally and there were certain points where I struggled and had to
get one of my male friends drunk in order to pick his brains. But largely, once
I got inside Max’s head and rummaged around, the story unfolded in my head and
I just tapped it out. Max is so alive in my head now that writing from his point
of view is almost easier than from my own. *laughs* I’m not sure what that says
about me. I’m sure the men in white coats will be here any minute!
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