Gather around, children, and let me tell you a story.
Once upon a time, there was a woman. All she wanted was to write a book, so she could share her thoughts and feelings and amazing writing skills with the world. But then problems popped up. Problems of such magnitude that she couldn't concentrate on anything else. Problems that took over her entire life and beat her down until she could barely function on a day to day basis, let alone write a book. When she did sit down to try, the words never came, because she knew there were a million and one things that she should be doing instead of foolishly writing a book that might never see the light of day.
And then what happened to that woman?
Thankfully, this story has a happy ending. The problems were solved. Silly problems they were, too. Not silly in the way that she shouldn't have been fretting over them, but silly in the fact that they could have been solved simply and a thousand years ago if people stopped being silly.
And now? What is that woman doing right now?
This might shock you, but that woman is me (GASP!). It's been a rollercoaster ride these last few weeks and I've been doing little more than eating, working, and shuttling back and forth to the vet and home. The real fun part of my problems didn't even really involved my dog and HIS SECOND SURGERY IN SO MANY WEEKS. Nope, that was old hat for me. Without going into it, I wasn't sure if I was going to have to move again (IN SO MANY MONTHS) and that stressed me out. I hate moving, and I've moved pretty much every year of my life for the last twelve years. It's been annoying and frustrating to say the least. But now my boyfriend and I are happily situated in a house where the cat can have her own room and the dog doesn't have to see her if he doesn't want to. She gets to wander the house, too, occasionally, do don't feel too bad for her. If she could live the rest of her life on her bed (HER BED), then she would be a happy, fat kitty.
But enough about my problems. What about writing?
Well, impatient person, let me tell you a thing: I've been writing this whole week. The moment that we solved our problems, I went into my office and sat down in front of my laptop. I've only stopped, really, to work and eat. I've written about 12,000 words...but not for Amory. I'm still working on her, but there's writer's block with that story. This one I'm working on is a bit more mainstream YA, and, to be honest, I might finish it up either this weekend or next week. It's helping me write again everyday, and once the writer's block with Amory ends (it freaking better), I'll get back to her. But this one I'm working on could be something, and that makes me excited rather than absolutely terrified, like I was two years ago when I sent my manuscript out. I don't know if I'll do that with this story, or if it'll be self-published, but it's so much fun. I hope you'll laugh with me when you read the story and realize that it's not fun at all.
So things are picking up on my end. Of course, that's not going to last very long because we're doing stuff around the house, so I'll have to concentrate on that. But I'm not going to stop writing. This story has made me rediscover my love for writing, like I'm doing this for the first time. And I promise to update this thing more, mainly because now I've finished a few books and can do some reviews. Oh, and be sure to come back on July 20, because I have some special in store for that day. So, yay!
I guess the short version of this post is that things happened, they were solved, and now I'm back. I'll get into the groove of things again, just in time for summer to be over. Better late than never, right?
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