
Friday, May 22, 2015

The Calm Before the Storm

Guess what I did this week?

No, not nothing. You know me too well.

I finished roughly sketching out the three stories and I wrote them all down on note cards. What does that mean? Well, let me tell you. It means that I can now start the first part of Amory. Yaaaaay!

I thought about giving myself a week or whatnot for a break, but why? I have a four day weekend right here, so that can be my break. (Even though it's not going to be much of a break until Sunday, but whatever.) I also managed to work my way through my shelf on Net Galley, so I'm only down to those books that are going to be released in July. I figure that if I work my butt off, I could be editing during the summer, when I have the most time, and then I can get moving from there. I'm not entirely sure what I'm planning on doing with this one, if I'm going to self-publish or try once more with the "real" publishing world. I haven't given it much thought, because I've just been really excited to write the story that I want.

That does mean that for a couple of weeks, writing is going to cut into my blogging time. I say a couple of weeks because that's how much time I have before I return to summer hours, and then I'll have time for both. I'll still have book reviews on Mondays, because I can just write those Sunday night and have them up Monday morning. But since I'm seriously dedicating most of my time to writing, this blog is going to suffer. It's going to languish. It's going to crawl through the desert of loneliness and beg for some kind of companionship.

Okay, probably not that last one.

But I will update it as much as I can, and if I'm not there, I'll get something on Twitter or Tumblr to let people know I haven't died, that I'm just slowly perishing in front of my computer because I doubt all of the words that are coming from my brain. The lovely, crippling self doubt that comes from writing. I wouldn't change it for the world.

So, no worries. I'll be back Monday for a book review (yes, even though it's Memorial Day and I most likely won't be out of pajamas all day), and then...Well, I'll miss you all. I mean, for a couple of weeks, at least.

Have a fantastic weekend everyone!

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