Happy Memorial Day! Well, for the American readers out there. Happy Monday for everyone else! Anyway, I finally woke up this morning (thank you, four day weekend), and came right to the computer. See, we're madly in love and can't be away from each other for more than a few hours. No! That would be sad. No, I'm just pretty excited about the book today, End of Days by Susan Ee!
Yes, this book came out two weeks ago. Yes, I was in the middle of a messy NetGalley shelf. But I finally got around to reading End of Days, and now I feel the need to shout about it to everyone that passes me.
After a daring escape from the angels, Penryn and Raffe are on the run. They’re both desperate to find a doctor who can reverse the twisted changes inflicted by the angels on Raffe and Penryn’s sister. As they set off in search of answers, a startling revelation about Raffe’s past unleashes dark forces that threaten them all.
When the angels release an apocalyptic nightmare onto humans, both sides are set on a path toward war. As unlikely alliances form and strategies shift, who will emerge victorious? Forced to pick sides in the fight for control of the earthly realm, Raffe and Penryn must choose: Their own kind, or each other?
The first two books in this series were amazing and I couldn't stop telling everyone about those, either (review here: http://breegarcia.blogspot.com/2015/03/penryn-and-end-of-days-by-susan-ee.html). The end of the world is here, and Penryn is only trying to keep her little sister and mother safe from the invading angels that want blood any way they can get it. Sadly, she's learning that she can't rely on Raffe (the archangel Raphael) as much as she wishes. With his wings back, Raffe is set to take his place in Heaven and calm the angels. That means never being able to see Penryn again, because she is a Daughter of Man and Raffe's followers were punished severely for that same issue.
Most of this book is a suspenseful tug of war between Penryn and Raffe, with each other them pleading their case on whether to stay or to go. The best part, though, is that Penryn didn't throw herself at Raffe or go comatose for days when he makes his decision. She picks herself up, turns to her sister, and goes on with life. She does everything she can to make life habitable for her family, knowing that these might be the last days they have. It's not until the end, though, that Penryn finally steps into the role that I've been begging her to step into since the second book. She understands that there's more to her family than she thought and that there's more to her, too.
She also gets to go to Hell, so there's that fun part, as well.
What I really enjoyed most was the ending. I'm not going to spoil it, but I am going to say this: it was so normal. Like, day to day normal. When I read the final chapter, it took me a day or two to process what happened. There was no life-changing revelation. There was no big, huge change. It seemed like just another day, and I loved it. I love that this HUGE thing happened, and then back to the day to day grind. It was refreshing to see something like that, especially in a novel that dealt with such fantastical things.
Okay, yeah, I'm gushing, but deal with it. I loved these books. I keep looking at them on my Kindle and wondering when I can get back to read them all again, because it's going to happen. I love Penryn. She's awesome and strong, but also has feelings. She just knows when to have them and when to pack them away. I love Raffe, even though he's kind of a jerk sometimes and it feels like he's stringing Penryn along at some points. It's to be expected, though, because he doesn't know how to act. He's an angel. An idiot one, sometimes. I absolutely adore Dee-Dum. Those twins are the best thing that have happened to secondary characters in a long time. They make you forget that the end of the world is happening and that any of these characters could be killed at any second.
Anyway, I'm putting up the links for this book because everyone should go get it. Get the first two, while you're at it, okay? It will help the third book make so much more sense.
BN: http://www.barnesandnoble.com/w/end-of-days-susan-ee/1120986002?ean=9781477829707
Amazon: http://www.amazon.com/End-Days-Penryn/dp/1477829709/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1432575402&sr=8-1&keywords=end+of+days
Okay, now I'm off to do some writing of my own. If the internet will stop trying to bother me with such interesting and cool things. Really, it's just Tumblr. That damn website.
See you Friday!
Monday, May 25, 2015
Friday, May 22, 2015
The Calm Before the Storm
Guess what I did this week?
No, not nothing. You know me too well.
I finished roughly sketching out the three stories and I wrote them all down on note cards. What does that mean? Well, let me tell you. It means that I can now start the first part of Amory. Yaaaaay!
I thought about giving myself a week or whatnot for a break, but why? I have a four day weekend right here, so that can be my break. (Even though it's not going to be much of a break until Sunday, but whatever.) I also managed to work my way through my shelf on Net Galley, so I'm only down to those books that are going to be released in July. I figure that if I work my butt off, I could be editing during the summer, when I have the most time, and then I can get moving from there. I'm not entirely sure what I'm planning on doing with this one, if I'm going to self-publish or try once more with the "real" publishing world. I haven't given it much thought, because I've just been really excited to write the story that I want.
That does mean that for a couple of weeks, writing is going to cut into my blogging time. I say a couple of weeks because that's how much time I have before I return to summer hours, and then I'll have time for both. I'll still have book reviews on Mondays, because I can just write those Sunday night and have them up Monday morning. But since I'm seriously dedicating most of my time to writing, this blog is going to suffer. It's going to languish. It's going to crawl through the desert of loneliness and beg for some kind of companionship.
Okay, probably not that last one.
But I will update it as much as I can, and if I'm not there, I'll get something on Twitter or Tumblr to let people know I haven't died, that I'm just slowly perishing in front of my computer because I doubt all of the words that are coming from my brain. The lovely, crippling self doubt that comes from writing. I wouldn't change it for the world.
So, no worries. I'll be back Monday for a book review (yes, even though it's Memorial Day and I most likely won't be out of pajamas all day), and then...Well, I'll miss you all. I mean, for a couple of weeks, at least.
Have a fantastic weekend everyone!
No, not nothing. You know me too well.
I finished roughly sketching out the three stories and I wrote them all down on note cards. What does that mean? Well, let me tell you. It means that I can now start the first part of Amory. Yaaaaay!
I thought about giving myself a week or whatnot for a break, but why? I have a four day weekend right here, so that can be my break. (Even though it's not going to be much of a break until Sunday, but whatever.) I also managed to work my way through my shelf on Net Galley, so I'm only down to those books that are going to be released in July. I figure that if I work my butt off, I could be editing during the summer, when I have the most time, and then I can get moving from there. I'm not entirely sure what I'm planning on doing with this one, if I'm going to self-publish or try once more with the "real" publishing world. I haven't given it much thought, because I've just been really excited to write the story that I want.
That does mean that for a couple of weeks, writing is going to cut into my blogging time. I say a couple of weeks because that's how much time I have before I return to summer hours, and then I'll have time for both. I'll still have book reviews on Mondays, because I can just write those Sunday night and have them up Monday morning. But since I'm seriously dedicating most of my time to writing, this blog is going to suffer. It's going to languish. It's going to crawl through the desert of loneliness and beg for some kind of companionship.
Okay, probably not that last one.
But I will update it as much as I can, and if I'm not there, I'll get something on Twitter or Tumblr to let people know I haven't died, that I'm just slowly perishing in front of my computer because I doubt all of the words that are coming from my brain. The lovely, crippling self doubt that comes from writing. I wouldn't change it for the world.
So, no worries. I'll be back Monday for a book review (yes, even though it's Memorial Day and I most likely won't be out of pajamas all day), and then...Well, I'll miss you all. I mean, for a couple of weeks, at least.
Have a fantastic weekend everyone!
Monday, May 18, 2015
The Witch Hunter by Virginia Boecker
It's Monday, so now it's okay for me to say that I have no writing update! But I will for this Friday, because I've been busy working out the second story. Well, not physically, but my brain has been in overdrive all weekend!
Apologies in advance, because this book, The Witch Hunter by Virginia Boecker, doesn't come out for another two weeks. I know: I need to stop being so efficient.
Your greatest enemy isn't what you fight, but what you fear.
Elizabeth Grey is one of the king's best witch hunters, devoted to rooting out witchcraft and doling out justice. But when she's accused of being a witch herself, Elizabeth is arrested and sentenced to burn at the stake.
Salvation comes from a man she thought was her enemy. Nicholas Perevil, the most powerful and dangerous wizard in the kingdom, offers her a deal: he will save her from execution if she can break the deadly curse that's been laid upon him.
But Nicholas and his followers know nothing of Elizabeth's witch hunting past--if they find out, the stake will be the least of her worries. And as she's thrust into the magical world of witches, ghosts, pirates, and one all-too-handsome healer, Elizabeth is forced to redefine her ideas of right and wrong, of friends and enemies, and of love and hate.
When I started this book, I didn't really know what to think. Elizabeth is Anglia's best witch hunter, but she's suddenly thrown into jail because she's found with herbs that would help her avoid becoming pregnant with a very unwanted child. Her life is a mess at the start, and it doesn't get any clearer as her adventure moves on. I wasn't sure where it was going to go or what anyone was really thinking, you know? It's one of those books, where you question everyone's motives because one thing has made you paranoid over everything.
The great thing about this book was it was like fifty in one. There were little bits of every kind of fantasy book in this one, but the author blended it all expertly enough where it all made sense, and not just in there for decoration. The characters were awesome, but I wish that there was more Peter the pirate in there. He was wonderful and made me so happy whenever he popped his head in there. Next to him, I loved Schuyler. Oh my god, a revenant in love with a witch that can hear everyone's thoughts and quietest whispers, and he's deadly as can be? Yes please. I want a Schuyler and Peter book next. That is, I'm assuming there's going to be a second book, yes?
The Witch Hunter oscillates between slow and fast-paced, because I was about 60% through it and wondering if there was going to be enough time for Elizabeth to get her adventure really going. I guess that was really my only true complaint (other than more pirate and revenant): it took so long to get to the real reason for everything, and then I was left chewing my nails for the end. I thought that we weren't going to get to it and that I'd have to wait for a second book before I knew if anything happened. But, lo and behold, things happened and they were good and everyone was good. More or less. Sort of.
Anyway, maybe I should get my Monday going because I'm already behind and I've been up for about three hours now. Like I said, pop around on Friday because I'll have writing updates and it'll be fun! Yeah! I mean, it should be. It'll be informative. And that's pretty fun sometimes, right?
Apologies in advance, because this book, The Witch Hunter by Virginia Boecker, doesn't come out for another two weeks. I know: I need to stop being so efficient.
Your greatest enemy isn't what you fight, but what you fear.
Elizabeth Grey is one of the king's best witch hunters, devoted to rooting out witchcraft and doling out justice. But when she's accused of being a witch herself, Elizabeth is arrested and sentenced to burn at the stake.
Salvation comes from a man she thought was her enemy. Nicholas Perevil, the most powerful and dangerous wizard in the kingdom, offers her a deal: he will save her from execution if she can break the deadly curse that's been laid upon him.
But Nicholas and his followers know nothing of Elizabeth's witch hunting past--if they find out, the stake will be the least of her worries. And as she's thrust into the magical world of witches, ghosts, pirates, and one all-too-handsome healer, Elizabeth is forced to redefine her ideas of right and wrong, of friends and enemies, and of love and hate.
When I started this book, I didn't really know what to think. Elizabeth is Anglia's best witch hunter, but she's suddenly thrown into jail because she's found with herbs that would help her avoid becoming pregnant with a very unwanted child. Her life is a mess at the start, and it doesn't get any clearer as her adventure moves on. I wasn't sure where it was going to go or what anyone was really thinking, you know? It's one of those books, where you question everyone's motives because one thing has made you paranoid over everything.
The great thing about this book was it was like fifty in one. There were little bits of every kind of fantasy book in this one, but the author blended it all expertly enough where it all made sense, and not just in there for decoration. The characters were awesome, but I wish that there was more Peter the pirate in there. He was wonderful and made me so happy whenever he popped his head in there. Next to him, I loved Schuyler. Oh my god, a revenant in love with a witch that can hear everyone's thoughts and quietest whispers, and he's deadly as can be? Yes please. I want a Schuyler and Peter book next. That is, I'm assuming there's going to be a second book, yes?
The Witch Hunter oscillates between slow and fast-paced, because I was about 60% through it and wondering if there was going to be enough time for Elizabeth to get her adventure really going. I guess that was really my only true complaint (other than more pirate and revenant): it took so long to get to the real reason for everything, and then I was left chewing my nails for the end. I thought that we weren't going to get to it and that I'd have to wait for a second book before I knew if anything happened. But, lo and behold, things happened and they were good and everyone was good. More or less. Sort of.
Anyway, maybe I should get my Monday going because I'm already behind and I've been up for about three hours now. Like I said, pop around on Friday because I'll have writing updates and it'll be fun! Yeah! I mean, it should be. It'll be informative. And that's pretty fun sometimes, right?
Friday, May 15, 2015
Those Girls by Lauren Saft
Since this week has been nothing more than me playing with my new phone and fleshing out book two of Amory, I figured I'd have a book review instead of a writing update! Okay, also, it's raining and I want to go back into bed for another twenty minutes before I have to get up and be an adult.
Some girls will always have your back, and some girls can't help but stab you in it.
Junior year, the suburbs of Philadelphia. Alex, Mollie and Veronica are those girls: they're the best of friends and the party girls of the school. But how well does everybody know them--and really, how well do they know one another? Alex is secretly in love with the boy next door and has joined a band--without telling anyone. Mollie suffers from a popular (and possibly sociopathic) boyfriend, as well as a serious mean streak. And Veronica just wants to be loved--literally, figuratively, physically....she's not particular. Will this be the year that bonds them forever....or tears them apart for good?
Junior year, the suburbs of Philadelphia. Alex, Mollie and Veronica are those girls: they're the best of friends and the party girls of the school. But how well does everybody know them--and really, how well do they know one another? Alex is secretly in love with the boy next door and has joined a band--without telling anyone. Mollie suffers from a popular (and possibly sociopathic) boyfriend, as well as a serious mean streak. And Veronica just wants to be loved--literally, figuratively, physically....she's not particular. Will this be the year that bonds them forever....or tears them apart for good?
I'm about to go on about this book, so...sorry.
This book. This BOOK. When NetGalley sent me an email saying that I could read this book (if I was quick enough to request it), I debated for a minute. I already have seven other books on my NetGalley shelf (and about a thousand more on my for reals shelf), but, like a fool, I clicked the request button anyway.
I am so glad that I did.
The best way I can describe this book is like the Gossip Girl series, but with substance. The story follows three eleventh grade best friends: Alex, Mollie, and Veronica. I guess the most amazing part of this is that those three girls each had their own personality. That might not seem like a big deal, but it really, really is.
Alex is a sweet stoner, a wannabe singer, a girl so insecure that she can't see the good in her when it's smacking her in the face. Mollie, the resident bitch, is dating the stud on the football team, and she uses that to her advantage any way she can. Veronica is clueless, confused, adorably sweet, and somewhat of a promiscuous girl (Mollie calls her a slut any time she possibly can). It's not easy getting these three mixed up. They all have their own voices, their own wants and needs and ticks and personality traits. And they're all so good that it hurts.
I think the reason this book hit me so hard is that, at one point or another, these three girls perfectly described what it was like to be a teenager. Like Alex. She was the one I identified with most, mainly because I had horrible self esteem in high school, even though, like her, I tried to hide it. She says things like, "I'd learned to be careful not to delude myself and accidentally think I was pretty or talented or special in anyway, because I couldn't risk being humiliated and disappointed when it turned out that wasn't true."
But that's how it feels sometimes in high school. Alex didn't sugar coat it because she doesn't know how to. That's what she really thinks about herself.
Veronica. Oh, sweet, naive Veronica. She ends up hooking up with someone she shouldn't, but has a perfect boyfriend that she wants to love. He's actually nice, and when she turns him down for sex, he's completely fine with it. She's confused as all hell because "No never means no. No means try a little harder, right?" Of course it does in her head, because that's all she's ever known, all that any guy has ever taught her. She puts herself out there and only receives requests for more lewd acts.
The one character I thought I didn't connect with was Mollie. She was so mean and rude and I felt like telling her to get a life. But then I found out that that's all she really wanted. She constantly worries that her and Alex are drifting apart because Alex has a new band and a new life and new secrets that Mollie knows nothing about. This terrifies her into acting more and more like a cold-hearted bitch. Then there's her boyfriend, Sam, a complete jerk in every sense. He sleeps with her friends, treats her like a sex object, and completely demeans her. She knows that she doesn't have to give into his wants, but she hopes that if she does, "he'd hold on to me, appreciate me, love me." It's so terribly sad.
I basically highlighted the crap out of this book, and it took me a day and a half to read it. It made me feel things that I haven't felt since high school, and while some of it wasn't great, it was kind of interesting. I guess long story short, I want to read the junk out of this book over and over again, and now I'm going to cry because this is Lauren Saft's debut and that means there's nothing else of hers that I can devour.
This book. This BOOK. When NetGalley sent me an email saying that I could read this book (if I was quick enough to request it), I debated for a minute. I already have seven other books on my NetGalley shelf (and about a thousand more on my for reals shelf), but, like a fool, I clicked the request button anyway.
I am so glad that I did.
The best way I can describe this book is like the Gossip Girl series, but with substance. The story follows three eleventh grade best friends: Alex, Mollie, and Veronica. I guess the most amazing part of this is that those three girls each had their own personality. That might not seem like a big deal, but it really, really is.
Alex is a sweet stoner, a wannabe singer, a girl so insecure that she can't see the good in her when it's smacking her in the face. Mollie, the resident bitch, is dating the stud on the football team, and she uses that to her advantage any way she can. Veronica is clueless, confused, adorably sweet, and somewhat of a promiscuous girl (Mollie calls her a slut any time she possibly can). It's not easy getting these three mixed up. They all have their own voices, their own wants and needs and ticks and personality traits. And they're all so good that it hurts.
I think the reason this book hit me so hard is that, at one point or another, these three girls perfectly described what it was like to be a teenager. Like Alex. She was the one I identified with most, mainly because I had horrible self esteem in high school, even though, like her, I tried to hide it. She says things like, "I'd learned to be careful not to delude myself and accidentally think I was pretty or talented or special in anyway, because I couldn't risk being humiliated and disappointed when it turned out that wasn't true."
But that's how it feels sometimes in high school. Alex didn't sugar coat it because she doesn't know how to. That's what she really thinks about herself.
Veronica. Oh, sweet, naive Veronica. She ends up hooking up with someone she shouldn't, but has a perfect boyfriend that she wants to love. He's actually nice, and when she turns him down for sex, he's completely fine with it. She's confused as all hell because "No never means no. No means try a little harder, right?" Of course it does in her head, because that's all she's ever known, all that any guy has ever taught her. She puts herself out there and only receives requests for more lewd acts.
The one character I thought I didn't connect with was Mollie. She was so mean and rude and I felt like telling her to get a life. But then I found out that that's all she really wanted. She constantly worries that her and Alex are drifting apart because Alex has a new band and a new life and new secrets that Mollie knows nothing about. This terrifies her into acting more and more like a cold-hearted bitch. Then there's her boyfriend, Sam, a complete jerk in every sense. He sleeps with her friends, treats her like a sex object, and completely demeans her. She knows that she doesn't have to give into his wants, but she hopes that if she does, "he'd hold on to me, appreciate me, love me." It's so terribly sad.
I basically highlighted the crap out of this book, and it took me a day and a half to read it. It made me feel things that I haven't felt since high school, and while some of it wasn't great, it was kind of interesting. I guess long story short, I want to read the junk out of this book over and over again, and now I'm going to cry because this is Lauren Saft's debut and that means there's nothing else of hers that I can devour.
Okay, I guess maybe I should add a warning that some parts are kind of explicit. Don't worry, though: it doesn't feel obligatory or even cheap. Those scenes just feel needed.
The bad news is that this book doesn't come out until June 9. But here's the links for you to pre-order!
I've done my good deed for the day. Now I can go enjoy the rain while pretending that I don't have a million things to do.
Monday, May 11, 2015
Without Mercy (Babylon #2) by Victoria L. James and L.J. Stock
Another Monday, another awesome book. This time, we get a good look at Without Mercy, the second book in the Babylon series by Victoria L. James and L.J. Stock.
Ayda Hanagan’s life
took a whole new road to hell when she agreed to lay down beside Babylon’s very
own devil in disguise, Drew Tucker. With an evolving love and the world she
once knew now gone forever, Ayda’s toes were no longer dancing on the edge of
the flames. She’d jumped straight into the fire, dragging her younger brother,
Tate, along for the ride. No matter which way they both turned, Harleys and
leather were their new reality, and they had to get used to the fact that acts
of war and bad blood were never far away.
All that seemed so easy for Ayda to push aside when she was resting in the arms of the man she never expected to love, but when lust, need and sex became as important to her as the air she breathed, it was only going to be a matter of time before reality decided to slap her around the face harder than ever before.
Lost in the screwed-up perfection of their new fairytale, Drew and Ayda thought they could handle anything life threw at them. For every cop, whore or enemy that tried to tear them apart, they found strength in each other and a new weapon to fight back with. Only not all assassins wore their patches on their chest, and before they could even see the eyes of the wolves in the shadows waiting to bring them to their knees, they were all out of places to run.
With everything they'd ever believed in suddenly at risk, fear was no longer an option and Drew and Ayda soon found themselves in the middle of a war that looked impossible to get out of alive. In order to survive, they had to learn how to fight together.
Without restriction.
Without thought.
Without mercy.
Even if that meant sacrificing everything they’d worked for, including each other.
All that seemed so easy for Ayda to push aside when she was resting in the arms of the man she never expected to love, but when lust, need and sex became as important to her as the air she breathed, it was only going to be a matter of time before reality decided to slap her around the face harder than ever before.
Lost in the screwed-up perfection of their new fairytale, Drew and Ayda thought they could handle anything life threw at them. For every cop, whore or enemy that tried to tear them apart, they found strength in each other and a new weapon to fight back with. Only not all assassins wore their patches on their chest, and before they could even see the eyes of the wolves in the shadows waiting to bring them to their knees, they were all out of places to run.
With everything they'd ever believed in suddenly at risk, fear was no longer an option and Drew and Ayda soon found themselves in the middle of a war that looked impossible to get out of alive. In order to survive, they had to learn how to fight together.
Without restriction.
Without thought.
Without mercy.
Even if that meant sacrificing everything they’d worked for, including each other.
This book has everything. Hot guy with a conscience? Check. Brave girl willing to do anything for her loved ones? Check. Steamy romance? Check (double!). Edge of your seat, nail biting suspense? A very black, shaky check.
Watching Ayda settle into the hut with the Hounds of Babylon was interesting and, at times, hilarious. She carved out a place for herself and stuck to it, only compromising when she knew it would be best for all involved. Drew, for his part, begins to understand the depth of Ayda's love for him, as well as his own for her. But problems lurk on every side for the two: a chief of police hell bent on making their lives miserable; a crazed ex that wants to destroy the Hounds; another motorcycle club wanting blood for blood; and then Ayda's younger brother Tate learning the joys (and absolute embarrassment) of first love. The last part of the book was so incredibly suspenseful that I had to walk away a few times, because I thought I would do the worst and peek ahead! Victoria and L.J. do a wonderful job at blending a thousand emotions into one scene, and it all seems so believable. You find yourself cheering for Ayda and Drew, and then for the rest of the Hounds, because stereotypes of blinded the little town of Babylon from seeing the true nature of these kind, passionate men.
Buy Links:
Amazon US: http://amzn.to/1I7qOWQ
Amazon UK: http://amzn.to/1I7oDmr
In case you missed the first book, Without Consequence, let's have a little refresher, shall we? (My review here: http://breegarcia.blogspot.com/2015/05/without-consequence-by-victoria-l-james.html)
There are two kinds of prison
sentence that try to break us: the ones served behind iron bars and the ones
served through a lifetime of guilt. Some people are handed just one. The
unfortunate are given both.
Drew Tucker, despite his formidable
reputation, was a man shrouded in darkness who had been dealt every kind of
sentence known to man. His only path of survival was to fight and conquer.
After five years of solitude, with nothing to keep him company but old ghosts
and relentless demons, Drew was finally out, and he had a plan in mind to reign
supreme once more.
But everything had changed since
he’d left the small town of Babylon, Texas, and where he once fit into the
world around him, he now felt misguided, misplaced and misunderstood. Freedom
wasn’t free anymore and it sure as hell didn’t come cheap.
That only got worse when he crossed
paths with Ayda Hanagan. Legal guardian of her teenage brother, over worked,
underpaid and clinging onto sanity by the skin of her teeth, Ayda should have
been easier for Drew to beat down and manipulate. She should have been easier
to keep quiet. But, as with everything in his life since he got released,
nothing seemed to make any damn sense, and the walls were caving in on Drew now
more than ever before.
Determined to stay on the road he
was born to travel, he was willing to fight whoever got in his way or blocked
his path to the top. Even the blue-eyed blonde who seemed to have more mouth
than sense. His actions were about to shake up the whole town again, and Drew
didn’t care whether that came with or without consequences, or what the hell
that meant for the likes of Ayda Hanagan.
Buy Links:
- http://amzn.to/136EkbK
- http://amzn.to/1wxFtpF
And, seriously, if you haven't looked up these two authors yet, what are you waiting for? They're awesome and amazing and so much fun.
L.J. Stock on Victoria L. James ~ What can I say about
Victoria L. James? Loads actually, she’s an amazingly talented author and I had
the absolute distinct pleasure of writing with her. I also call her a friend.
When we first met, we bonded instantly over our love of music, Victoria tends
to be as eclectic as I am with her tastes. She finds stories in lyrics and
feels the moods in the melodies.
When we first started writing together, I’ll admit I was
intimidated. Here is this woman with a huge passion for putting words onto
paper and painting pictures so clearly that you are completely immersed in
them. How was I going to keep up with that? I’m not sure I ever did, but over
time we’ve built up a repertoire. We bounce off one another and bring our
characters to the forefront and hope that the interactions are as real as they
appear for us.
On a more personal note, Victoria is bright, smart, kind, intelligent,
funny, caring and witty. She can see so much in the world around her and always
has time for anyone. Victoria lives in sunny ole Yorkshire with her family and
her cats - had to mention them - and can normally be found in the playground of
her imagination, listening to the Foo Fighters.
Victoria L. James on L.J. Stock ~ There aren’t many people
you bump into in life that you want to both work and spend your free time with.
From meeting L.J. through the wonder that is the internet, we soon came to
realise that we had a hell of a lot in common. Music was where our friendship
truly began, but our writing partnership flourished not too far behind. I
always felt like my writing was missing something, and it was only when I read
L.J.’s work that I realised what exactly that was. It was missing her
After spending over a year working together, day in, day
out, not a moment goes by where I don’t thank the Twitter Gods for bringing
this amazingly strong and talented woman into my life. She’s an inspiration, a
positive force in every situation and one hell of a talented writer. To say I’m
honoured that she wanted to create a new world with me is a gross
understatement. I’m blown away. One day, I hope I get lucky enough to visit her
in Texas, where she lives with her family and her zoo of animals, so we can
write by her pool and take part in our other dream… The great Taylor Kitsch
Road (stalking) Trip. Who needs a yacht in the Caribbean when we have that to
look forward to, right?
Follow for all news & updates on Without
Consequence and future books in the series: https://www.facebook.com/Babylonseries?fref=ts
And, OF COURSE, a giveaway!
I'm slamming my foot down and telling everyone to get these books. They're fun and quick, but stay with you for such a long time. I'm already salivating for a third one (PLEASE TELL ME THERE'S A THIRD ONE), and, if not, I'll make future plans to reread this two. You're welcome in advance. Have fun reading!
Friday, May 8, 2015
The Process
Even though it doesn't really feel like it, it's been a productive week. I mapped out most of the first book, wrote up a majority of the note cards, and organized all my other notes. I didn't get the bulletin boards up, mainly because my boyfriend works a lot during the week, and tool have never been a great friend of mine. If it's anything more complicated than a push pin in the wall, I have to wait for someone with coordination to help out. Also, straight lines. Forget about those. I wouldn't know a straight line if it smacked me in the head.
Let's start at the beginning, I guess: notes.
When I start writing a story, it usually begins as a random idea that I write down in one of my dozens of notebooks I have littered around my place. If it stays in my head for more than a week or two, then I start developing it. At first, it's nothing more than scenes in my head. For example, the first scene I wrote for Amory in 2007 was her losing her wings. Since that was my end, I worked backward from there, figuring out why that would happen, who was involved, what she was doing. My first attempt at Amory was a mess, but I still have it somewhere in my office. Like, there's about a thousand romances in it and a fake marriage and a million characters that came out of nowhere. Anyway. I usually write out random scenes that hit me at particular moments, even if I'm at work. That photo I shared last time of all those sheets of paper?
Those are scenes. I keep them all in their temporary home until I can get to Office Depot to find a proper folder.
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That's a handing folder from my file box. |
Once I get those organized and have a basic understanding of what the story is about, I start on the note cards. One year when I won NaNo, a prize was a discounted subscription to Scrivener (www.literatureandlatte.com/scrivener.php). It took awhile to get used to, but I ended up falling in love with the software. One of the aspects of it that I loved most was the bulletin board where you could set up your story. You'd write the chapter title or description on note cards and it would be pinned to your bulletin board. As you wrote, you could refer back to it. That was awesome, but I'm of the mind that if I can't see it, it's dead to me. Not a good thing. So I started writing out note cards for myself that could be placed next to me while I wrote.
Usually, I keep them in a little stack and then flip to the next one once that chapter is done. But now that I have my own bulletin boards, they're going to look a little more like how they're set up above. Basically, I write the main idea of the chapter on the front, then details on the back. The blue note cards are what's going to happen throughout the novel, because sometimes I have a terrible habit of forgetting that such-and-such is supposed to be angry at so-and-so, and that doesn't come back until the last chapter. So now the blue cards will remind me to sprinkle little tidbits about a certain character throughout the entire story.
Those are not all the note cards I'll end up writing. Those are just the basics, and I wanted to have something done before today so I could show everyone that I'm not as lazy as we all think I am. Hopefully, by the time I finally get around to getting the bulletin boards up, I'll have the first story done and then the second one ready to go. I'm hoping to get all three mapped out by the end of May, and then I can start writing by June. It might not seem like it according to my calendar, but May calms down a lot, so I'll have plenty of time to get through it. Then (SO FAR) June is clear, and work will slow down for a few weeks, and then I'll be back on summer school schedule (HOORAY!!), and that's going to be all kinds of wonderful. I'll get to write outside in the lovely sunshine and not have to worry about work later in the day.
I know, why don't I just get a real job? I know.
But that's it for today! I just thought it would be fun to share my process since so many writers out there have shared theirs, and I love seeing the different creative processes. Not just for writers, either, but anyone from the artistic community. It's so cool to see this tiny weird blob turn into a book or painting or whatever else.
Come back Monday, because I'm going to have a super awesome review post for Without Mercy. I'm currently racing through it, and I curse work and Coheed because I have to take a break from the book due to those things.
Maybe I don't curse Coheed. I do appreciate them.
Tuesday, May 5, 2015
Without Consequence by Victoria L. James and L.J. Stock
Sometimes I just want to read all day, but then life is like, hey, you have to clean this bathroom or break down a million boxes or watch a seventeen year old television show. While all of those things are necessary (especially the television show), they get in the way. So, while I promised a fun review yesterday, I didn't actually finish the book until yesterday afternoon, so you're getting it today!
Since I have the extreme pleasure of reviewing the second book in the Babylon series (by Victoria L. James and L.J. Stock) next Monday (DEFINITELY NEXT MONDAY), I thought I'd start off with the first one, Without Consequence.
There are two kinds of prison sentence that try to break us: the ones served behind iron bars and the ones served through a lifetime of guilt. Some people are handed just one. The unfortunate are given both.
Drew Tucker, despite his formidable reputation, was a man shrouded in darkness who had been dealt every kind of sentence known to man. His only path of survival was to fight and conquer. After five years of solitude, with nothing to keep him company but old ghosts and relentless demons, Drew was finally out, and he had a plan in mind to reign supreme once more.
But everything had changed since he’d left the small town of Babylon, Texas, and where he once fit into the world around him, he now felt misguided, misplaced and misunderstood. Freedom wasn’t free anymore and it sure as hell didn’t come cheap.
That only got worse when he crossed paths with Ayda Hanagan. Legal guardian of her teenage brother, over worked, underpaid and clinging onto sanity by the skin of her teeth, Ayda should have been easier for Drew to beat down and manipulate. She should have been easier to keep quiet. But, as with everything in his life since he got released, nothing seemed to make any damn sense, and the walls were caving in on Drew now more than ever before.
Determined to stay on the road he was born to travel, he was willing to fight whoever got in his way or blocked his path to the top. Even the blue-eyed blonde who seemed to have more mouth than sense. His actions were about to shake up the whole town again, and Drew didn’t care whether that came with or without consequences, or what the hell that meant for the likes of Ayda Hanagan.
Drew Tucker, despite his formidable reputation, was a man shrouded in darkness who had been dealt every kind of sentence known to man. His only path of survival was to fight and conquer. After five years of solitude, with nothing to keep him company but old ghosts and relentless demons, Drew was finally out, and he had a plan in mind to reign supreme once more.
But everything had changed since he’d left the small town of Babylon, Texas, and where he once fit into the world around him, he now felt misguided, misplaced and misunderstood. Freedom wasn’t free anymore and it sure as hell didn’t come cheap.
That only got worse when he crossed paths with Ayda Hanagan. Legal guardian of her teenage brother, over worked, underpaid and clinging onto sanity by the skin of her teeth, Ayda should have been easier for Drew to beat down and manipulate. She should have been easier to keep quiet. But, as with everything in his life since he got released, nothing seemed to make any damn sense, and the walls were caving in on Drew now more than ever before.
Determined to stay on the road he was born to travel, he was willing to fight whoever got in his way or blocked his path to the top. Even the blue-eyed blonde who seemed to have more mouth than sense. His actions were about to shake up the whole town again, and Drew didn’t care whether that came with or without consequences, or what the hell that meant for the likes of Ayda Hanagan.
How many ways can I say that I love this book? At first, I wasn't sure I was going to like it because Drew Tucker is kind of an (excuse my language) asshole. He's rude and crude, but then he does show his softer side around Ayda. The softer side is what it's all about. He's sweet and caring, if not a little possessive. But Ayda is independent and brave, because she goes toe to toe with Drew and comes out standing each time. She breaks him down and doesn't give upon what she wants, even if that means turning her entire life upside down.
I think the one part that I loved the most was that Ayda's financial troubles were always on her mind. Some books have financially strapped characters, but then those burdens seem to disappear at time. Ayda is constantly thinking about where her next paycheck is going to come from and how she's going to take care of her brother, and that made her seem all the more real. She also wasn't too proud to take handouts, like when Drew gives her $50 for nothing. I get that most female characters want to "do it on their own," but I get it. I've never had a teenage brother to take care of, but I get it. Sometimes someone giving you a little leg up isn't the worst thing in the world. It's hard to swallow, but sometimes you have to, and Ayda does. She does everything for her brother, and he's always at the forefront of her mind, which is another refreshing trait of hers. She never forgets about Tate, even when she's wrapped up in Drew.
Oh, and Drew is ridiculously hot, in case you think I'm talking about Ayda too much.
But it's not just those two. The entire MC that Drew is leader of is wonderful. Everyone in there takes care of Ayda, even if they think they're not. They appreciate her hard work and let her know whenever they can. I'm glad that this wasn't a stereotypical biker gang, where the guys are constantly drunk and rude things about women come out whenever they open their mouths. No, these guys have businesses they run and they understand that some women don't want to jump in their beds. They're polite to Ayda because she's polite to them. It's an awesome dynamic, because it feels like they're friends instead of waiting to get her alone.
I just started the second book and I'm already looking forward to Sunday where I have absolutely nothing to do and I can hopefully finish it (if not finished already). So I'm sure I'll have all the details on where to buy this book on Monday, so keep your eyes on this page.
See you Friday, when I think I might have my bulletin boards set up. If not, I'll at least have the notecards semi-done!
Friday, May 1, 2015
Update On Writing
Guess who finally put clothes on before ten in the morning and went to IKEA? That's right, this girl! I was pretty productive this week, and even though none of it had to do with writing, it all had to do with writing. If that makes any sense. Probably not; this is my blog, after all.
Anyway, I bought my two bulletin boards and now they're propped against the wall, just waiting to be placed right where I want them. Depending on the weather, they might be up today; they might not be up until Sunday. It's been about a thousand degrees this week, and I've felt like doing absolutely nothing, especially nothing that has to do with my office. I don't yet have a screen in my window, so it's not advisable to open the window. Meaning, it's stuffy and hot in here by the time I get home, and I have no want to turn on my computer to make it hotter in here. Trust me, the screen is the next thing on my always expanding to-do list around here. For now, though, just getting the bulletin boards up on the wall will be enough for me.
It's May 1st. What does that mean? That means camp is officially over (I was done last week), and I can move on. All week, I've been gathering my materials for Amory. I've been thinking of scenes and where I want them placed. I've been jotting down notes for important things I shouldn't forget halfway through the book. This weekend, I'm going to start mapping out the first novel, and then hopefully I can map out the other two in the coming weeks. This is where I messed up last time. I had a vague idea for books two and three when I wrote one, and then it all kind of fell apart when I realized that my vague ideas wouldn't cut it. It's going to take some extra time (I'M REALLY JUST TELLING ME THAT), so I have to be patient and work it out. I don't want to make the same mistakes twice.
When I get the bulletin boards up, I'll take pictures of what's going on. Maybe I'll even have a clean office by that point! Who am I kidding. This office is never going to be clean. Either way, I'll see you Monday with another fun review!
Anyway, I bought my two bulletin boards and now they're propped against the wall, just waiting to be placed right where I want them. Depending on the weather, they might be up today; they might not be up until Sunday. It's been about a thousand degrees this week, and I've felt like doing absolutely nothing, especially nothing that has to do with my office. I don't yet have a screen in my window, so it's not advisable to open the window. Meaning, it's stuffy and hot in here by the time I get home, and I have no want to turn on my computer to make it hotter in here. Trust me, the screen is the next thing on my always expanding to-do list around here. For now, though, just getting the bulletin boards up on the wall will be enough for me.
It's May 1st. What does that mean? That means camp is officially over (I was done last week), and I can move on. All week, I've been gathering my materials for Amory. I've been thinking of scenes and where I want them placed. I've been jotting down notes for important things I shouldn't forget halfway through the book. This weekend, I'm going to start mapping out the first novel, and then hopefully I can map out the other two in the coming weeks. This is where I messed up last time. I had a vague idea for books two and three when I wrote one, and then it all kind of fell apart when I realized that my vague ideas wouldn't cut it. It's going to take some extra time (I'M REALLY JUST TELLING ME THAT), so I have to be patient and work it out. I don't want to make the same mistakes twice.
When I get the bulletin boards up, I'll take pictures of what's going on. Maybe I'll even have a clean office by that point! Who am I kidding. This office is never going to be clean. Either way, I'll see you Monday with another fun review!
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