
Monday, February 23, 2015

Building Steam

As I was trying to figure out what my schedule on this thing was going to be like, I realized that I had a lot of books. Like, A LOT. And that's not bragging. That's almost anxious sounding. I signed up for NetGalley (kind of awesome place, check it out) when I was offered to review one of Katy Evans's books. I never really used it after that, but then NetGalley kept sending me emails about books that I could read before they came out, and some of the books sounded awesome. So, within the last six months, I've been really active on it, and I went a little crazy the last few weeks. Some of the books on there are books I've been wanting to read forever. Some of them are from authors I've never heard of before, but they sounded interesting. NetGalley is like a bookstore where everything is free and the only down side is that you might not get picked to get the ARC. I've been rejected several times, but who's counting?

Anyway, I have three ARCs waiting for me on my Kindle right now, and I think I have another three waiting for an answer.

That all being said, I figured out a schedule. I know, you were expecting differently, right? Sorry to disappoint you! Since I do most of my writing in the morning during the week, I figured Friday would be the best day to write about my experiences with that. So that leaves Monday. Well, Monday is a beautiful day for book reviews, really, because all the new books come out Tuesday (or, in the case of Harry Potter and the such, Saturday). Many of the book reviews I already have lined up with other websites are on a Monday, so it would be best if I started it early to get into the groove of things.

I'm not starting today, obviously.

I also don't have enough books to fill up every Monday for the rest of my life. That means that while some of the books I review are going to be new, there will be some that have been out for awhile (anywhere from a few days to a few thousand years), some that you might have even read. Sorry for the redundancy, if that's the case. But there are some books that are just so amazing that my review on Goodreads isn't enough. Besides, I always like reading reviews on books that have been out for awhile or that I've already read, because it gives me a new perspective on it.

Still, I try not to let it influence my reading, and I hope that mine won't influence yours! I hate reading bad reviews about books I haven't read yet, and then I go into that book with a sense of doom. That's not what this is about at all. This is mostly going to be gushing, I swear. There are very few books that I end up hating, and, thankfully, I'm not about to review any Hemingway on here (sorry if you adore him, but...really).

So that's the deal. Monday: book reviews, Friday: my life. Hopefully it'll go over as well as it did in my head.

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