
Tuesday, January 20, 2015

Super Quick Life Update

Okay, I'm in the middle of cleaning a room and doing laundry and trying to charge as many electronics as I can without causing my house to burn down, but I thought I should update this thing since it's Tuesday and I didn't do it yesterday.

Long sentences are fun.

I'll probably have an update this weekend, but maybe not on Friday. We've had a crazy weekend. Our lovely little doggie had to get knee surgery yesterday, and he's coming home today (hence all the cleaning), so I'm going to be preoccupied with staring at him and willing him to get better fast.

How could I not want him to be better quick??
So there's that. Then my boyfriend and his parents are driving to Arizona this weekend in order to move them into their new house, so I'm taking the time to clean the entire house. Between that and playing nurse to that ABSOLUTE ADORABLENESS ABOVE, it'll be nuts.

BUT! Be sure to come back to the blog on Monday, because I get the chance to review Paris Hemworth's Road to Wonderland. Trust me, you don't want to miss this. It's amazing, you guys. Really.

Anyway, that's what's going on with me right now. I'm sure I'll be around on Tumblr and all that, but mostly I'm going to be staring at the dog and wondering why exactly I wanted a house because THIS IS TOO MUCH DAMN CLEANING.

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