
Monday, September 8, 2014

Writing Takes a Backseat Today...

This weekend was a total bust on writing. I'm just getting that out first thing! We had a concert on Saturday and that pretty much wiped me out for Sunday, too. But what about Saturday day, Bree? Well, I played the Sims until about 2:30 in the morning the night before, so I slept in a bit that day. Yes, I have a problem. Someone send me to Sims rehab. I've already been to Triple Town rehab and it's worked wonders on me.

So. You might have guessed that I'm not going to talk about writing in this post. If you haven't, guess what? I'm not going to talk about writing in this post. Warning: this post might get a little serious, but that's only because I'm kind of angry and my cat can only listen to me for so long before she walks away.

Something you might not know about me is that I believe in feminism. Not the feminism that some women get twisted in their heads: the one where certain woman think that we want to take down men and oppress them, or that we don't like it when a man opens a door for us. That's just being polite; why wouldn't I appreciate that? No, I believe in equality for the sexes and that we should all treat each other with kindness and appreciate each other. I don't think that's so much to ask for, right?

I don't know how many of you watch football. My boyfriend loves football. I love Sundays because that means I get an entire day of hanging out with him and doing absolutely nothing. But over the last year, we've both come to question some of the dealings of the NFL. Especially when Ray Rice decided that he wanted to knock out his wife and then the NFL acted like it was no big deal. The whole video has finally been released and it shows exactly what we all knew: Ray Rice, vying for the title of Scum of the World, punched his wife into unconsciousness.

Slow clap for a wonderful human being, anyone?

Now, before anyone jumps on me for just going off on Ray Rice, I have to say something about his wife, Janay Palmer. She came out after the incident and apologized for her part in it all.


My boyfriend and I used to fight. Like, super angry and everything. But no matter what I said or he said, we never physically hurt each other. We understood the fundamental wrongness of that. Still, I could never imagine if one of us punched the other so hard that we blacked out, and then wanting the other person to apologize for provoking the other. Like, really? Janay Palmer must have woken up in another time, because that apology set women back a million years.

Where's Ray Rice now, one may ask? Oh, maybe practicing with his team because all he received was a measly two-game suspension. There's about a thousand articles out there asking the NFL commissioner to give Ray Rice a harder punishment. Um, how about sending his butt to jail, would that be a harder punishment? This man does not deserve to play in the NFL.

Listen, women (and significant others). According to the NFL, beating us up is only slightly more offensive than smoking weed. How are we punishing people for smoking a drug that's legal in some places and not for hurting fellow humans?And the NFL players get two chances to hit us before they're out of the league...for one year. So harsh.

This league is so backward. I told my boyfriend that I'm not watching football with him anymore. It makes me sad. There's some players that I truly love, players that stand up for what's right, but I can't watch something that degrades my gender so completely. Even my boyfriend said that he's lost his excitement over the game. I can't blame him, though. This incident has not shed wonderful light on men or women. We're kind of all losers.

Okay. Rant done. Sorry. That's been building up in my head for weeks now, and with the release of the rest of the tape today, it pushed me over the edge. If I wasn't such a good, moral compass (I had to take a break right there because I couldn't stop laughing), I would say something truly terrible about Ray Rice. But then he might punch me and I'd have to apologize, and I don't apologize well.

Sorry, I had to get a little punch in. (Ba-zing. Make sure to tip your waitress.)

Friday is back to writing! I'll try to get something done so I'm not just wandering uselessly around that post. I promise. And no more angry ranting. Well, maybe. Who knows? It's the fun that is this blog!

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