Holy canoli, am I moving along! With all the little stupid things that I've done this week, you would think that I got nothing done. I really had to check my progress to make sure that I did something more than the five hundred words I thought I did. Nope, there's a couple thousand words in the bank now. Not that I'm anywhere close to finished. This one seems like it's going to be a lot shorter than AYLB, and the first draft very well might be. Probably because I started and stopped on this one so many times, and, in the beginning, wrote in little spurts and spasms. I'm better when I sit down and tell myself that I'm going to write for so much time. Then it's kind of like a race, where I'm trying to get down as many words as I can before time is up. Yesterday, I wrote around 2,000 words. But tonight, because I'm trying to finish Cress and watching my boyfriend play the South Park game, I only got about 800 words down. Also, sometimes my brain moves on to another scene before I'm ready, so I have rush through whatever I'm working on to get there. But I've done well this week. Not what I want to be doing, but it's a start. At the beginning of March. When I want to be done at the end of this month.
Of course, I'm sure that sitting on the couch isn't helping the writing process. I don't know what it is, but whenever I get on my couch, I want to stretch out or watching TV or do anything that has nothing to do with my book. Why don't I just move to my desk? It's a real hassle plugging the laptop in and then getting comfortable in the chair and...I'm lazy, okay? I love my couch. I don't sit on it often enough. And then when I'm covered in my TARDIS blanket and staring at my cat trying to become one with the couch. But now that I've extracted a promise from my boyfriend that he will try to finish the South Park game this weekend (and possibly even another one!), I'll have plenty of time to sit on another comfy couch and write.
Hopefully by Monday I'll have more exciting news than just a few thousand words. This feels like slow going, but it's possibly because I've never written a sequel before. Even in all my little stories that I wrote as a kid, I never wrote about the same characters twice. It was always, Well, those creatures are done with, moving on to the next! So it's difficult for me to sit here and not want to rewrite AYLB because this is not the same story. This is a new, different story, and these characters need to change. But I liked them the way they were! Sure, they went through some trying times, but they don't need to change, right?
Double sigh.
So we shall see where I am on Monday. If it's super exciting, then maybe I'll even reveal the rough (ROUGH, I'm telling you!) sketch of my next story. I know I should be planning on the third, and final, Amory story, but that can wait until the summer or start of fall. Not like it matters, really. This is southern California. We don't have weather here.
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