
Monday, January 13, 2014

A Weekend Without Writing

I know, what a post to come on the heels of my last post. After I just finished bragging about how I'm writing every day, I come back and tell you people that I spent an entire weekend without my computer. Not writing. No creative juices flowing at all. I'd like to say that I sat on the couch and thought of a thousand scenes for my book, but that's not the case at all. I sat on the couch and let Stephen King paint scenes for me. He's so good at that.

Was it a conscious decision to leave my computer at home while I couched the weekend away at my boyfriend's? Well, yes. I stood at my door, scanning my apartment for things that I may have forgotten to pack, and my eyes landed on my computer. But did I walk over there and put it in my bag? Nope. I thought to myself, my, how nice would it be to not bring my computer this weekend? It's kind of a pain to haul around and I probably wouldn't touch it anyway. kthnxbyeeee. (Yes, I really say that last line to my apartment before I leave for the weekend.)

Now, what does that all meeeeeeeean? Nothing. It really means absolutely nothing. I just didn't want to carry my computer around this weekend. It's kind of a pain to get the cord out from under my computer and my hands were full. Not that I didn't have plenty of ideas for my book, and I wrote them down, but after the week of writing that I had, I wanted a little break. I'm getting back to it tonight, since I spent the entire morning cleaning and pretending to do laundry (my laundry room closes all the time for no reason at all). Sure, I could be working on it right now, but the bathroom is calling me and The Carrie Diaries is on...

Procrastination. Didn't I tell you I'm a pro?

But, really. Now that things are settled and I'm not moving any time soon, I can get a solid schedule going on. It's the buckling down part that really gets me. I love making schedules, but getting myself to follow them is kind of a hassle. But all the writers say that you should have a schedule and write at the best time for you every day. Nice advice coming from people who have no other job than to sit around and write all day!

Okay, that was my jealousy monster. I put her away for now.

The tub is beckoning me. As is taking a shower and getting to Target for some all-purpose cleaner and the kitchen so I can make some food...My apartment is loud.

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