
Friday, November 29, 2013

Rain and Black Friday

Happy late Thanksgiving everyone! I hope you all stuffed yourselves silly, because that is totally not what I did. My boyfriend and I aren't really the Thanksgiving type of people, meaning neither of us want to cook all that food for two people. But, let me tell you, Denny's makes a pretty awesome pecan pie!

Yesterday didn't matter, though. Today, Friday...This is the best day ever. It's raining (sort of. It was raining harder a few hours ago.), it's Black Friday (I've already bought four books, Frozen Planet is up in a few hours, and I just saw Sherlock is going to be on sale), and if we ever get out of our pajamas, we're going to the aquarium. Vacations really are the best.

Why am I not writing every free moment for NaNo, you ask? Psssh, because I finished on Wednesday. Sure, I didn't finish the story, but there's one more chapter to go before that's all wrapped up. It's terrible, really, it is, but I don't even care. I feel like this is my first NaNo, even though I've been doing it for five years. I guess this is the first one I've done where I've really had no clue where the story was going and what I was doing. It was a lot of fun, but kind of stressful. Still, I've already decided that it's a story that I'd like to revisit, but not right now. Right now, I want to be in pajamas, eat gross and delicious food, and watch TV shows until my eyeballs fall out.

But now that means we're creeping into December. Christmas, another vacation (I love working in the education industry sometimes), and more time to pretend I'm cleaning when I'm really wondering how exactly Rainbow Rowell managed to get me to stay up until one in the morning reading her book (seriously, go grab Fangirl. I would have finished it in a day, but I had to go to stupid sleep). It also means that I have a promise to fulfill: I'm going to start the sequel to All You Left Behind. Sure, it may not seem like a big deal, but it kind of is. I've been away from these characters for months now, only checking in on them to make sure they haven't died. Now I have to throw myself back into their world, and that's scary. What if I don't know how to do it? What if I screw up? What if I make Gunnar into a complete jerk, when he's only really a half jerk? I know I'll have to reread the first book, which is kind of weird, but that's okay. I actually enjoy what I wrote, and now I can really concentrate on all the messy mistakes I made. You know what? Ignore everything I just said. This might be fun.

It's after noon and I'm starving. Sorry, people, food always trumps blog posts!

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