
Monday, October 7, 2013

It's A Boy! Three Of Them, Actually...

Week two of the Month O' Fun has begun! With that comes all the exciting adventures of organizing, editing, cleaning, fixing a super lame cable box, telling my city that I don't own a business, and freaking out about moving in a few weeks! Yay adventures!
But seriously. This is one day closer to the release of my book, and I couldn't be more excited.So I'm trying to look at the positive side of all this and now throw myself over a cliff because it's been ten hours and my cable box won't restart. Thank god for Hulu.

Okay, now to the real reason of this post: Rick, Stephen, and Gunnar.

Richard Piedmont has had a difficult life. He's the only child of two royals, born in the wilderness of a country that no longer exists. Heaven has deemed him dangerous, but the only angel that can save the world. Calm, patient, and cunning, Richard, or Rick to his friends, has been on the run most of his life, and he won't stop for anyone. (I felt that I would write a paragraph about Rick, but there's so many secrets surrounding him that I can't give away! Really, though, he's one of the central characters of the novel, mainly because without him, Amory and Drystan would never be sent to Earth.)

For years, Rick's only companion has been Stephen Viceroy, a man with as shady a history as they come. He considers Rick to be his best friend, and he tries his best to repay the debt. No matter what Rick chooses in life, Stephen supports him and goes along with his plans, even if he thinks it'll get them in more trouble. I guess I can say that Stephen worked for Richard's mother, but not in the place you'd think.

And the last, Sigurd Gunnarsen. Oh, Gunnar. What can one possibly say about Gunnar? He started off as an antagonist for Amory, a complete opposite who questioned her every move, but then I slowly fell in love with him. He's flirty and manly and a pain in the butt for Amory, but I wanted to write him forever. He's a World War II vet who was killed in action. When he ascends to Heaven, he immediately becomes one of the best Warriors they have, and he knows it. While Amory considers him to be a complete jerk, he secretly believes that he is acting like a big brother to her. He wants the best for her, but he doesn't exactly know how to show it, being the youngest of three. In the end, he redeems himself in her eyes, and I'm hoping she'll understand that he loves her in his own way.

But it wouldn't be a me post without a little rambling, right? This is for a good cause, though. For the last month, I've been a bit down and I don't know why. Something happened last night that brought my mood up, so it finally hit me. About a month ago, my boyfriend and I went to Night of Destruction out in Perris, because sometimes we need to watch car smash into each other. It's usually fun, with no serious injuries, but the last one was different. There's this kid, Kyle, who raced a huge, old RV among small, compact cars. He was awesome in the first race, and everyone cheered him on. In the second night, someone hit the back of his RV, causing it to flip over and then literally burst into flames. He escaped after a few seconds, but the fire caused horrible burns all over his body.

It hurt my heart thinking about this kid, who wanted nothing more than to race in his crappy RV and make everyone happy, sitting in a hospital. Luckily, his twin brother put up constant updates and even started a fundraiser to help pay for hospital bills. Last night, my boyfriend told me that Perris Auto Speedway, the place where Night of Destruction takes place, had their own fundraiser and so did the fair that has nothing to do with the speedway. The drivers have been coming out into the crowd the last few weeks to talk with people and take money for donations.

Sometimes the world gets a little too selfish for me. Sometimes I wonder why people are out for themselves and not others. But that one conversation with my boyfriend made me happy, made me realize that not all people are rude little jerks. It's what I needed after this month. And, so, I'm putting up a link for those of you who want to donate money. Even if it's just a little, whatever you can give, would be fantastic. I'm not shaming you into doing it, either: if you can't, you can't. I totally get it. Money's tight, but if you could spare that Starbucks fund, then that would be wonderful.


Sorry. Sometimes these things need to be said, and explaining it to my cat doesn't exactly have the same impact for me.

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